Chapter 36

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I opened the box.

Inside were pictures of Chris and Tamara, a necklace with Tamara's name on it, and another envelope.

Inside the envelope was a black card and a letter. I read the letter.

Dear Dani,

I'm truely sorry for everything that I've done. Not only about the incident, but leaving you to take care of Tamara. I'm no better than my father. I know he's ashamed of me. But I don't want to be like him. As soon as I'm out of here, I want to be apart of our child's life. I understand that you won't want to have anything to do with me, but please don't prevent me from being a father. In addition to the pictures, I've asked Kevin to buy a necklace for Tamara and to give you my black card. I didn't want you to have to take care of Tamara with your own income, so I want you to use my money as well. Take as much as you want. I don't even care if you bring it back to me with zero as its' balance. Tamara means the world to me, and I know you feel the same way about her.

Rotting in hell,


I laughed at the closing. Although it was true, he was brave enough to add a little humor to the letter. I didn't want to accept the card, but I knew that Chris would get in touch with me somehow if he knew that I wasn't using it.

"Damn, he gave you his fucking black card. He is really kissing your ass," Michael said.

I just sighed deeply.

"You alright?" Michael asked.


Michael drove himself home, and I went home myself. I didn't even know how J would react to all of this.


"Nah, you need to let that nigga know that you don't need shit from him." Jason said.

"But J, he's going to feel like a deadbeat. Just like his father. He's not going to take no for an answer." I said.

"Alright then. I guess it's whatever," Jason replied.

Later on that day, we all went to the mall. I bought Tamara some clothes to show Chris that I would use the card. She still remembers him and asked where he was.

"Daddy's away for a little while, pumpkin," I informed her.

"Will he be back? I miss him," She asked.

"Yes he will. He misses you too," I replied.

"Yay," Tamara said.

That night, J and I lay in bed watching TV. The kids were already asleep.

My phone lit up in the darkness, and I grabbed it from the night stand. It was a text message from Kevin.

Chris wanted me to tell you thank you. He's glad that you understand.

No problem. I wouldn't want him to be like his father. Tell him that T misses him.

Alright. Good night Dani

Good Night Kevin

The next morning was Jason's birthday. The kids and I got up super early and made breakfast. They helped me set the table while I cooked breakfast and put up decorations. I put a whole bunch of 49ers colors and party favors up in Jason's game room. Jason didn't know it, but I had got him tickets to the game tonight. He would be going with Michael, Wayne, Sean, and some of their other friends.

After the finishing touches, TJ and Ethan put a candle in the small cupcake we had.

I carried the breakfast, Tamara held the cupcake, and Ethan held a camera to take pictures.

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