Looking Glass (Saph)

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I'm floating in a space of darkness. I hear nothing and feel nothing. A small cube floats towards me made of gray stone. As it floats towards me I seem to get smaller, or it gets bigger. I now stand in front of a red, wooden door attached at the side. It's like a floating room. The letter "S" is engraved in the middle of it. It stands for Sapphire, I immediately think, my name. I don't know how I know this, I just do. I grasp the handle, open the door slowly, and gently place one foot inside. A soft sounds resonates around the room as I place my other foot down beside the first. The door closes behind me as I scan the room and notice that the walls, ceiling, and floor are all made out of stone.The room is bare, with nothing but a wooden pedestal standing in the center of the floor. I walk over to the pedestal to find a large book. The book is very old, containing yellowed pages and covered completely in dust. I scan my fingers gently over it. The book suddenly flips open and lands on a page somewhere in the middle. On the page is a single poem written in someone's squiggly handwriting:

Forbidden love is a secret,
But that's not this case.
For a sword was created,
With magnificent grace.
The human to use it,
Will surprise us all.
Because within them,
The power to make night fall.

As soon as I finish reading, the text begins to glow brighter and brighter. Without warning, a tremendous bang sounds and the blackness crowds in.

I awake to the sound of my alarm and the beating of my heart. I look around for a moment, wondering where I am. Everything seems strange to me. Storylore, I think. I remember now, we had just moved into Storylore. My parents and I often move around a lot, and why my parents decided to move here is far beyond my understanding. There are still boxes scattered around my room from when I didn't finish unpacking two days ago. My walls still smell of fresh paint and my windows of cleaner. My wall is now a pretty shade of light blue, chosen to match my turquoise and white sheets. Besides my bed, the only other pieces of furniture are my dresser and my desk, both gleaming with a fresh coat of white paint.

I climb out of my warm bed and enter the bathroom. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My blond hair is a tangled mess, just like it always is I guess. I brush my teeth and comb the out the knots in my hair. I look around the floor and spot my favorite pair of jeans and t-shirt. I pull those on and grab my vans from their usual spot beside my bed. I return to the mirror for a final time. My galaxy eyes stare back at me in the reflection. I hate them. I was born with really dark eyes with little random specks of color in them, similar to a galaxy from inside a telescope. I've been teased my entire life because of them. People fear what they don't understand. Some people have often even punched me because of them, and that just causes my family to have to move again. It's like we're running from everything. They keep thinking that, but that's never the case. People will always pick on me. I hate that and I hate moving, it's pointless. I have no friends and I'm an only child. To sum it up, I suck at socializing. Hopefully this place will be different though. I think that, but I know otherwise.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where my backpack hangs. I'll be starting my first day of school today. I'm now a sophomore at Legacy High School. I look at the clock on the wall and am surprised by how late it is. I grab a granola bar from the pantry, write a quick note to my parents telling them "bye" and "I love you" and that kind of stuff, then rush to the bus stop, barely making it on time. I find a seat alone in the middle of the bus, away from all the noisy kids, pull out my book, and begin to read.

Ever since I was little I'd loved reading. Books would take me on adventures where I had no fear of being judged by my appearance. I could escape my life and live another. I would just sit at home or in libraries that I'd found and read for hours. At school I would try to read whenever I could. Normally the quietest people have the loudest minds, and in my case, that's true.

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