Broken by Change (Saph)

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I've disappeared. My powers have vanished. I'm back to my normal self, more or less. After the battle with Alex I woke up where I fell with nothing around me. It was like the fight had never happened. The fires from the lightning were gone, the trees didn't have any marks on them, and the grass was flowing freely in the breeze, not trampled by the many pairs of feet. And there was no blood from my fallen friends. Nothing remained, so I didn't either. I made my home at Alina's place, there was no where else to go. I have nothing left. My family and friends are gone. I'm all alone.

It's been exactly one week since that happened and I haven't spoken a word. There's no one to speak to. I've sat on Anna's bed replaying all the memories. Tear stains cover my cheeks. I've grown tired of wiping them away just to have them replaced with more tears. I feel empty inside. Lost. Broken. I notice Blue lying on the nightstand where Anna left it. I grab it and hug it to my chest. I smell Anna on it, and a batch of fresh tears cascades down my face as a sob escapes my lips. It's all my fault. Every little thing is my fault. If I hadn't gone with Chase and Alina in the first place then none of this would've ever happened. I hear rain drops splatter on the roof outside and I grin. I love the rain because now I don't have to cry alone. I don't have to suffer by myself anymore. I hold Blue tighter to my chest as lightning strikes somewhere close by. I take a huge breath and scream at the top of my lungs as another bolt of lightning hits. I let everything out. Every emotion, every feeling, every thought I've had this past week and I let it go. Out to the world. Out to the only thing I have left. One more lighting strike and then just rain. I feel better now. It's comforting to know you're not alone. It's comforting to know that even nature needs to scream sometimes.  

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