Epilogue The Train Waits for No One (Chase)

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The world around me is pure white. It reminds me of a hospital and I feel sick. I hate hospitals. There's always the smell of death in the air regardless of whether they try to cover it up with so many chemicals or not. Plus everything is white. White is nothing. No color. The devotion of all color, it's a little depressing. I hear a train whistle blowing in the distance, but I can't see a train. I turn around in a circle to try to spot the source of the sound, but nothing is there.

"Chase Sanders." I hear my name and turn towards whoever spoke. I see a boy standing there. He's not much older than me, with curly blond hair speckled with brown. The thing that sets me on edge though is his eyes. They're galaxy eyes, just like Saph's.

"Who are you?" I ask with caution.

"I'm Daniel." He replies. "Follow me please." He turns and walks into the white. I jog after him. He seems to know where he's going, but I can't tell left from right or up from down. Everything is white.

We walk in silence for a while before I start to speak.

"Where am I? Am I dead?" He laughs.

"No you're not dead. You're with me."

"Who exactly are you? I mean, you have the same eyes as my friend and I thought that only the destined one had them."

"Yes, you are right. The destined one does have them, but the other part isn't right. You're talking about Sapphire right? Or should I say Saph?"

"Uh yeah. How do you know Saph?"

"The galaxy eyes are a genetic trait." I stop.

"Wait. Does that mean you're her brother?" He turns to me and smiles.

"The one and only." What? Saph doesn't have a brother, at least I don't think she does. She never mentioned having one, and when her parents died she only mourned their loss. "You're probably thinking 'You can't be her brother! She doesn't have one!' Am I right?" He stills walks ahead of me, yet I can hear the smile in his voice. I stay quiet. "Well I am biologically her brother. I was born only fifteen months before she was." He pauses for a bit then continues. "There's a part of the prophecy that no one has heard before. I made sure of that. Do you want to know?"

"What are you talking about? The old prophet wrote everything in his notebook that we read. There is nothing left." He chuckles.

"There is another part in his notebook. Once I found it I tore it out and brought it with me to make sure you guys didn't find it. I was trying to keep Saph safe, but I guess that didn't work out either." While talking we came upon a mini forest. There were many trees, but not enough to block the sunlight so that it couldn't stream through. The weird thing though were the faces on the trees. They had bright blue, shining eyes and a smiling, wooden mouth. They were kind of creepy. I guess not everyone thought so though. "I love these trees. You want to know why? Cause they remind me of Saph. I miss her so much. Though I don't think she remembers me. I was against it, but everyone else thought that it would be a good idea."

"What did they do?" I have a bad feeling about what his answer is going to be.

"When I went to fulfill the prophecy, I tried to do it alone. I thought that it would be fine. That I wouldn't let anyone else get hurt. I knew all about Alex and what he was planning to do. I knew I had to get the sword to defeat him because he was powerful. I knew all of that. I even knew about the balance in the world, yet I thought that I could best it. Control it, not let it control me. But I was wrong and I got stuck here." So many thoughts are swarming around in my head. So many questions that I need the answers to. We had made it to a stone circle that stretches across the trunk of a tree had been cut off. He sits down on it, so I follow him.

"You said that you were trying to fulfill the prophecy, but Saph is the chosen one. Only she can." He looks out at the trees as he shakes his head and laughs.

"The part of the prophecy I took with me stated that the oldest was to fulfill the prophecy. I'm beating anything that Saph felt the weightiness of it, but chose to ignore it. She always was stubborn."

"But then why doesn't Saph know about you? That doesn't make sense to me. Why did you leave her? If she would've known about you then she wouldn't have gone through with what she did. Your parents would still be alive. Alex would be gone and the whole world would be okay!" My voice is steadily rising because of how angry I am. If he didn't leave her then none of this would've happened. Saph would still be happy with a loving family. She wouldn't have to deal with the world yet.

"You judge me for the decision I made, but not for the options I had to choose from."

"I don't understand." He sighs.

"I thought keeping Saph out of this would keep her safe. My parents thought so too. They just took it a step farther. When I left they performed a very powerful spell that erased the memories of me and magic from her mind. They got replaced with fake memories of pain and sadness. By the time I learned about it, it was too late to change anything. I wish I could've stopped it. I really miss her." His whole demeanor changed with those words. He looked a lot older, like those memories are weighing on him way more than he lets on. I try to ease his sorrows.

"If you miss her so badly, why don't you get out of this place and go find her? I'm sure if you gives her enough proof she's bound to believe you about being her brother." He looks even more saddened now, guess my plan failed.

"That's not the problem."

"What is then?"

"When Saph tried to beat Alex, she failed. Alex got what he wanted. He destroyed all magic. There's no way we can get out of here."

"What?! You can't just destroy magic?"

"You can if you know what you're doing. The sword is the only thing in existence that combines that magic of both the warriors and the wizards. If one did wish to destroy all magic that would be the only way to do so. The only problem with that is the destined one, or the family members in this case, could get to it. Alex had to wait for me to get it. I didn't, so he had to wait for Saph. He planned everything out to the last detail. Saph didn't know any better and fell right for it."

"But what made him hate magic so much that he would want to destroy it?"

"It was his fault actually. He played with forces he didn't understand and his wife and child payed the price. He blamed it on magic and vowed to destroy all essence of it." We sit in silence for a while, me just thinking about all this new information. Everything makes so much sense now, but one thing still stumps me.

"If all magic got destroyed, why is this place still here? Shouldn't it not be, since I'm pretty sure it's completely made of magic?" He suddenly brightens up so fast that it scares me.

"You're right. You're totally right." He looks to the sky behind him, the smile still on his face. "Well I think it's time." He stands up and continues on the path that we were walking. I hurry to catch up with him.

"Wait! Time for what?" I slow down to walk beside him. He looks me dead in the eyes, so I know he's serious.

"It's time to shatter fate."

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