Sparks Fly (Saph)

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I wake up with a smile on my face, that's a first. But I'm actually kinda excited to go shopping. Wow. I've never thought I'd say that. I hate shopping. I go downstairs and see Alina eating breakfast, but no Chase in sight.

"Where's Chase? I thought we were leaving in the morning?" She swallows.

"Yeah I thought that too, but it looks like Chase has other plans. I guess he's still sleeping. Whatever he did last night seemed to have worn him out."

"Yeah. What was that about?"

"Don't know. Sometimes he'll go in his room for hours and do whatever. He hasn't told anyone as far as I know, not even Amy."

"Huh. Weird. Where is Amy?" I get a bowl from the cabinet and sit down at the table. I grab the cereal and milk, then add them to my bowl. Why is it that both cereal and milk is still cereal? That makes no sense to me.

"Amy and Jessica went out of town for a while so that Jessica can receive her award. Apparently she's 'smart' or something."

"Jessica is Chase's sister right?"

"Yeah. The one who can read minds."

"And loves to prove that to me every moment she can." Chase the zombie walks into the kitchen, looking like he's died, been reborn, and then died again.

"What happened to you? You look dead. When did you go to sleep?" He laughs.

"You actually think I went to sleep. Haha. Good one." He wipes a pretend tear from his eye while he pours himself a large cup of coffee. "Be ready in ten." Then he takes the coffee and goes back upstairs.

"Alrighty then. I'm going to get my shoes and jacket." I place my bowl in the sink and make my way upstairs. By the time I'm back downstairs Chase is already waiting for me by the door.

"Hurry up."

"Says the guy who just woke up." Instead of answering he just walks outside. I hurry after him, not wanting him to leave me.

We end up riding in an old pickup truck to a rundown building far away.

"Follow me." Is the only thing he says when we get there. He gets out and I follow him. The building in front of us is made of rotting wood and looks like it's going to fall over at any second. There's only one door and many windows, but all of them are covered by boards. He enters the building and from the inside I see that there is no floor, just walls and a ceiling. The dead grass crunches under our feet, but at least there's no snow so it's not as cold in here as it is outside. Chase stops in the middle of the room and says something faintly under his breath. A small square part of the floor, about four feet by four feet, starts to go down around us like an elevator without the walls or ceiling. We are plunged into darkness for a couple of seconds and then are flooded with a light so bright that I have to shield my eyes with my hand. When I put my hand down I gasp. Below me is the largest city I have ever seen. There are buildings lining the rock walls in every direction I see and as I look up I see glowing orbs instead of regular lights because of its underground location. It's amazing. There are thousands of people walking, biking, or driving all over the place, but there are even more that are floating, flying, or even teleporting. It's like a city for all things magical.

The magical elevator stops and we walk through some of the little shops as we pass. I see the regular magical items like frogs eyes, spider legs, and worm hairs, but I also see unicorn hairs, golden apples, and potions of every kind. I try to look everywhere at once. The sight is amazing. I walk over to one of the shops to look at small crystal balls that can supposedly see your future. I look into one of them, but all I see is fog. Must be broken. With a shrug I walk away. I go to the next shop and see necklaces hanging in midair. A person comes from behind the display and begins to talk to me.

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