Twinkle, Twinkle (Saph)

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The next morning I wake up with an aching body. My mind, body, and soul are all so sore. I still feel empty inside and I don't think anything can change that. I heave myself up and look around the room. I notice a note on the nightstand by the bed. I reach over and grab it. I'm still laying down while I read: "Right, straight, left down stairs, right, right, straight." I'm confused for a second before I properly understand. It's telling me where to go. It's directions. I clamber out of the warm bed and patter to the door. I grip the paper in my hand, suddenly nervous about what is about to come. I follow the directions and enter a very spacious kitchen. Immediately a woman turns around and smiles at me.

"You must be Saph. It's nice to meet you. I'm Chase's mother, but you can call me Amy."

I try for a decent smile and say, "Thank you. It's nice to meet you." A ding suddenly sounds from the timer next to the oven. Amy turns around, stops the timer, and opens the oven. She grabs oven mitts and takes out the dish, carefully setting it on the counter, and opens the lid. Immediately my senses are overwhelmed with a heavenly smell. By this point my stomach makes a very sudden whale like sound, causing me to blush in embarrassment. Amy laughs while scoping the food inside the container onto a plate and setting it down on the table in front of me.

"I made my famous breakfast casserole. Eat up." I quickly sit down, grab the fork, and proceed to stuff my face. It is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. I finish off the plate I have and ask for seconds. Then thirds. And lastly fourths. I eat what's left on my plate and look up to Chase and Alina still eating their plates as well. I guess sometime during me stuffing my face they must've come for their own breakfast, I was too distracted to notice. I place my dish in the sink and hear my name being called.

"Saph." I look over at Alina.


"Could you please have a seat. I have some more things to explain to you."

I cautiously walk back over and sit down. "About my parents?" I ask.

"A little. Listen Saph, we believe that the fire at your house wasn't an accident." My heart starts pounding.

"What are you talking about?" She glances first at Amy, then at Chase, each giving her a short nod.

"Your parents... they were special, different from everyone else. Your father was a warrior and your mother was a wizard." It takes a minute for the news to process. I look at each of them in turn, and seeing their very much serious faces, and I come to realize that they're telling me the truth. My head spins, trying to grasp the concept, but I just can't.

"They are what?"

"There are signs that tell us if you are someone with magical capabilities or not. Having abnormal hair of eye colors are just one of the many signs of magic powers, having abnormal hair or eye colors is one of the signs of magical powers, almost like cartoon characters. I have turquoise eyes, Chase has crystal white eyes, and Amy's natural hair color is a faded pink. Your mom's eyes were naturally purple and your dad's hair was naturally pitch black. And you were born with galaxy eyes."

"Wait. So you're saying I'm... I have magic?" I stand up. "No. This can't be real. You're making it up." Tears spring to my eyes as I turn and sprint out the door. Me? Magic? Do they seriously expect me to believe that? I can't possibly be special enough. I'm ordinary. I'm a nobody. And now I'm an orphan. My breath comes out in wheezing pants as I run away from all the pain and confusion and just life in general. I run until I can't anymore and when I do I pick the nearest tree and climb it until finally stopping at the very top. Hopefully up here no one will be able to find me. I sit on the branch, my back facing the trunk, and take deep breaths. Without any adrenaline flowing through my body the winter chill takes it's toll. My body shivers as I realize my lack of jacket and shoes. My socks are soaking from the snow, and muddy from the ground, but I'm not going back there. I watch the sun set and the stars come out until I can barely keep my eyes open. I look around one last time and realize then that I'm truly alone in this world. I have nothing left. A wolf howls in the distance and I get the feeling he's sad too. Mourning over something or someone lost, just like me. A lone tear slides down my cheek as I close my eyes for one incredibly cold night.

As I glance up the first thing I see are the blue sparkling gems of my name. The second are all the faces. I turn in a full circle to see my surroundings and I'm meet with the smiling faces of trees. Huge sapphire's make up their eyes while curved pieces of wood make up their mouths. There are hundreds upon thousands of trees circling me and the old book from my other dreams. It's complete with it's old, yellowed pages and the pedestal on which it rests. I assume I'm supposed to go to the book, but first I want to see what the faces are for. I walk over to the closest tree and gently touch one of the gems. It sparkles underneath my and heats up, but not enough to be burning. I examine it, it seems to be growing from the tree itself. Suddenly the gem's warmth increases, so much so that I yank my hand back and a slight hiss escapes me from the sudden pain. I huff, annoyed, and walk over to the book. "Fine. I'm going." I mumble. I take a look at the book and this time read a different set of words than before. The text reads:

Beware the shadows for none are what they seem to be. Death follows all who are braver than what they can be. The key to light is as dark as it gets, for the darkest place is under the candlestick. What happens once can happen twice, cause two heads are better than one. Why apologize for becoming a monster when a monster is what you are?

I am utterly confused about what any of it means. I look back up at the surrounding trees and get a sense that someone is watching me. I scan the trees, but see nothing that wasn't there before. A freezing wind picks up that makes me shiver. I watch as my hands and feet lowly turn a shade of light blue, and my hair and clothes get a light dusting of sparkling ice. My body shivers more and terror creeps into me. I try to warm myself as the tree's mouths move together in sync, only chanting one thing, "Saph. Saph. Saph. Saph... SAPH!!!"

My eyes shoot open to see the trees flying by and feel gravity pulling me down. No sounds escape my lips as they are frozen in fear. The branches nip at my already ice cold skin, making my pain soar to greater heights. I land on the ground and needles shoot through my body. The snow flies up around me and then gently settles back down once more. I feel movement below me and realize that there's someone underneath me. Someone came for me. My body begins to shake and the body under mine sits up with a groan. It takes only a second until I feel them place a warm jacket over me, and pull me in closer.

"Oh my god you are freezing. You are so stupid. I was worried sick when you didn't come back and then night fell and it started snowing. You. Are. An. Idiot!!!" My eyes, which I just realized are shut, slowly open to see a red nosed Chase staring at me. Worry, anger, and sadness all swim in his eyes as he looks at me. "Are you okay?"

I force a smile on my face. "I'm fine." He deadpans.

"You are so not fine. You are shaking and have cuts all over your arms and face. What in the world were you thinking coming out here with no shoes or jacket in the middle of winter!!! C'mon. I'm taking you back. We need to warm you up." I nod and try to stand up but my frozen legs are weak and can't support my weight. I end up falling back down and more needles spike up throughout my legs. Chase must see me struggling because he bends down and carries me bridal style once more through the snow. I keep the jacket around me and stay as close to him as possible for heat. I look around and see multiple footprints in the snow criss crossing every which way. They were looking for me. Suddenly my body is racked with sobs as I think about what I did.

"I-I'm s-so sorry." I manage to get out.

"Shhh. It's okay. Everything's fine now. It's all going to be okay."

~~~~~Please comment anything you wish to say!!!! I need all the help I can get!!!!~~~~~

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