Midnight (Saph)

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I run through the halls, now late for my class. I overslept and Mira didn't wake me up like I asked her to. I open the door and step inside. I have Mrs. Bettman for my first class of the day and she is super nice and loves me because I ace all of her tests. It is Nonmagic class so I'm an expert in it. You'd be surprised about how many wizards have never even been in the nonmagic realm.

"Sorry I was late Mrs. Bettman. I overslept."

"It's okay Saph. Just please try to make it on time tomorrow."

"I will." I walk to the back and sit down in my seat. I lay my head down as I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I look up and see Mira mouth, "Sorry."

"It's fine." I mouth back. I look to the board and see Mrs. Bettman teaching the class about the "fascinating world of airplanes." This class may be easy, but I've already learned all of it so it tends to get boring. I take out a sheet of paper and start doodling on it. This goes on until the clock dings, telling the students it's time for the next class. That is one of the smaller things that I like about this school instead of the normal ones. These bells don't make your head hurt every time one of them goes off, and they go off a lot. I walk to my next class, which is the one I hate the most. For a wizard's magic to be at its finest the body has to be at its finest. Body Building class is just like gym class, but a thousand times worse. They actually expect us to do things and get stronger. It is hell. What makes matters worse is that my teacher, Mr. Endor, is super mean and if one of us drops dead from exhaustion he just tasers us and tells us to keep going. By the time class is over my entire body aches with each movement I take. I'm sweating and my stomach grumbles. I only have one more class until lunch. I can hopefully wait until then.

My next class is Creatures of all Kinds with Mr. Landon. He is super nice, and I love him. It's just my luck that today we're talking about tigers, so nothing distracts me from the pain in my stomach because of its lack of food. I hold my stomach to try and stop the pain and wish for the bell to ring sooner. It feels like forever until the little ding goes off and people push and shove their way to the lunchroom. I find Mira easily with her bright, red hair, so I sit down and shovel my food in my mouth next to her.

"If you don't slow down you're going to choke." I swallow the food in my mouth.

"Eh. I'm hungry. And you will be after your body building class later."

"Don't remind me." She grumbles. Ever since we first met we have become great friends. I don't know if it's real or not though, because she thinks my name is Sapphire Fenton, but for now it's fine.

It's been about one month since we got here and Chase has started training me in weapons and medicine. I even fought him once. It was a total win for him but at least I finally held my weapon correctly. We've been focusing on sword technique because of the "destined sword" thing, but he's also trained me with a bow and arrow, a spear, and a tiny dagger. We've dabbled in hand to hand combat here and there as well so now I can add that to my arsenal. Magic lessons have been very informative, but very slow going. The teachers want to teach all the students the basics before the advanced, and I'm all for that, but it also includes nonmagic related things as well, which I already know so the classes get really boring. I did have a project for Spells class that I needed a book for, so I did get to look inside the library and when no one was looking, made my way over to the teacher section.

For those books, you need a signed pass by your teacher. The book that we need is in there somewhere and we need to find it. I hope Chase can do that. Even though wizards and warriors go to the same school, the school itself is divided. There are certain times in the day that wizards can go into the library and certain times that warriors can. They really do like to be separated. I sometimes see posters in the halls that criticize the other magic race for utterly stupid things. There was one that ridiculed warriors because they were allowed to have weapons in school and then to get back at the wizards the warriors put a poster up that said the wizards were breaking the rules by using forks and spoons at lunch. It was like a mini civil war here. I honestly don't know how Chase keeps coming to my apartment in the night. I'm positive he'll be thrown in a pit of fire if he's ever caught. This school may seem all bright and cheery on the outside, but in reality it's a cracked egg seconds away from being broken.

The rest of the day goes by smoothly, and after dinner Mira and I make our way back to our house. We go into our separate rooms to start on the loads of homework that we have, but as soon as I see Chase sitting on my bed my cheeriness evaporates.

"I thought that you weren't coming here tonight." He stands up.

"I'm not here to train you. I bring bad news. You best sit down." I warily move to my bed and sit down. "It's about Anna."

"What about her? What happened? Is she okay?"

"She got kidnapped by Light last night."

"What? How? Why? Who? Tell me!" I get up and start pacing around my room.

"I got a letter from Alina this afternoon saying that when she went to wake Anna up this morning she was gone. She searched the entire house twice but she was nowhere to be found. But she did find a note." He pulled a piece of paper out from his pocket, I swear to God he has everything in those pockets, and hands it to me.

"'I know your secret. If you ever want to see the little girl again meet me in the clearing, midnight, three days from now.' Clearing? What clearing?"

"I didn't know either until I asked Alina. She told me that there's a clearing behind her house that they used to go to." I raise my eyebrows.

"They?" He sighs.

"Yeah. Apparently they know each other. His real name is Alex Boone and they were partners in their final year at school here and they were working on a project together. After school ended they would meet up in the clearing to continue what they were working on. Alina thinks that that's what he means."

"So then we leave and go there and get Anna back."


"What do you mean no!!! We need to save Anna!!"

"How!! No one can beat Light alone!! You need the sword to even have a chance of fighting him!! And last time I checked we don't know where it is. We need to get into the teacher section of the library tomorrow and find that book. The sooner we get the sword the sooner we can go save Anna." I'm breathing fast and I want to punch something, but what he says does seem like the better thing to do. I take deep breaths to calm myself down. Trashing the place in anger is going to help nobody.

"Okay. So how do we get into the teacher section? Don't you need a signed teachers pass? How are we going to get one of those?" We stand in silence, thinking until we hear a sudden knock on my door. Confused, I wait until Chase hides in the closet before opening the door. There stands Mira in her pajamas, fidgeting with her bracelet like she always does when she's nervous.

"I can help get you into the teachers section." I feign innocence.

"What? I don't know-"

"You honestly expect me not to hear you two talking when my room is right across the hall from yours? Or the guy sneaking in and out of here at night?"

"Um. Yes?"

"No. I'm not stupid. I know he's in your closet." Just to prove her point she walks into my room and throws open the closet door to see Chase standing there. He waves.

"Um Hi?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You ready to hear my plan or not?"   

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