Victory (Saph)

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Time freezes as I watch the life drain from her eyes. Her blood drips over her neck and shoulders as she falls to the ground like a puppet without strings. She lays there staring off into space with vacant eyes.

"No!!" I shriek into the air. I fall to my hands and knees, already crying. "No!" I shriek again. I feel my heart shatter to pieces. My breathing picks up and I'm dizzy. I feel like I'm about to throw up. I look at Anna and feel my heart break into a thousand more pieces. I curl into myself to try to make the pain go away. It hurts. Suddenly anger consumes me, I slowly get up and face Alex, who is just standing there smiling at his kill.

"You monster!" I scream at him. I yank my sword off of the ground and charge at him. My anger drives me to keep going, faster, stronger, harder than the time before. I barely notice my own movements, or the pain that Alex delivers back to me. His smile never falters once. That just makes me angrier, if that's even possible. Everything else is forgotten as I focus on Alex. The man who murdered Anna, the only person I had left. He killed my father. He killed my mother. He killed the sister I never had. And he killed Chase. No matter what Liam keeps telling me, I know he's dead. I went over there, he didn't. There's no way Chase could've survived that. He killed my entire family. This monster has to die himself.

I manage to disarm Alex of his sword and I go in for the kill, but he blocks himself with a knife that appeared out of nowhere. The longer I fight him the angrier I become. His smile never fades as he manages to either dodge or block all the attacks I take. I push him to the line of trees at the side of the clearing. I swing the sword, aiming at his head, but hit the tree behind him and he dodges. I pull my sword out, along with pieces of bark, and twirl around. I expect Alex to be there trying to kill me. Instead I see him running through the trees, away from me.

"Coward!" I scream at him and make a mad dash after him. He is not getting away from me. He has to pay for everything that he has done.

Leaves and branches scratch across my face, but I just swat them out of the way. I keep Alex in my sight, but I can never manage to catch up to him. I yell out in anger and charge forward, faster than I ever have before. This monster is going to pay!

He suddenly zags behind a tree. I dash after him, only to be slammed down to the ground. My head makes a crack sound as it bounces onto the grass. A moment later I feel a flow of warm blood seeping from the wound. The world sways beneath my feet as I stand up and face Alex. I push everything else away. I can't deal with that right now.

"Stop running away and face me!" I shout at him.

"I wasn't running." He replies with that cocky grin still on his face. Before I can process what he said he attacks me. I match him with equal strength at first, but he slowly gets the upper hand.

"Do I have to kill another one of your friends for you to unleash your power?" He says to me in between the clangs of metal.

"I told you. I don't have any power!" I yell back at him.

"Death it is then." He hits me on the head with the bunt of his sword, causing a wave of dizziness to wash over me. I stumble, but don't fall this time. I closed my eyes for a second, but when I open them again Alex is nowhere to be seen. My friends! I make a mad dash for the clearing. I hear the sounds of battle up ahead and know I'm close, but not close enough. I get to the edge of the clearing, just in time to see Alex slash their throats, one by one. They fall like dominoes. My heart breaks all over again. This time it gets hard to breath. I struggle to, desperately needing air to flow into my lungs. Everything feels so numb, but buzzed with energy all at the same time. I feel a flood of emotions flowing up, and let it all out. I scream at the top of my lungs, while clouds gather above us.

"Yes!" I hear. "Yes! Let it out Sapphire! Unleash your power!" I have no control over what's happening. Rain starts pelting the ground and soaks everything in a matter of seconds. Thunder booms around us and lightning strikes somewhere close by. The wind whips my hair and clothes around me, and carries the voices away. The sword in my hand glows bright as pain shoots up my arm. A fresh scream erupts from my throat as I try to drop the sword but I can't, it burns my hand and sends knives spiking up my arm. My entire body is engulfed in the pain as bits of ice stab me. I notice a figure trying to come to me, and for a second I think that it's Liam. My hope is squashed as soon as I see that it's Alex. That's right, everyone else is dead. His mouth moves like he's talking, but I can't make out anything he's trying to say. The pain is forgotten for a second when I notice Alex, but it comes back full force when I focus back on it. I scream again when the pain hits, and fall to the ground. I writher around, trying to get rid of the pain, but nothing helps. Alex sits down next to me on the ground and places his hands on the sword. He grimaces and that makes me happy a bit to knows that he feels pain. He glides his hands over the sword, muttering something that I can't make out with the wind howling in my ears. He reaches closer to the hilt where my hand is, and that makes me feel more pain. I scream even louder. My throat is raw and hurting at my constant screaming. He gleams in happiness when he reaches my hand itself. My body locks up and my screams freeze in my throat. The wind dies down, but the sky still screams. His eyes gleam with malice as he stares at me.

"Thank you Sapphire, for helping me destroy the world. It wouldn't have been possible without you." I wonder what he means by that, but I have no time to ponder on that because he finishes what he says and time freezes. The rain is suspended in the air and the lightening is frozen in mid strike. I hear myself breath out, then an explosion rocks the world.  

~~The second sentence at the top is my favorite sentence in this entire novel!!~~ *don't judge me!!*

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