Chapter 1: Awakening

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Sirens everywhere that night, the police going in and out of SKYLAR Labs.

There was an explosion in the lab, it was bad. The fire department was there too. They took out scientist in rollers. I was supposed to have come earlier than now, now there was fire and dead people, police and firemen.

My dad works here, he owns here. But he's not here now, I looked round to see if I'd at least find my dad's body but nothing he's not here, then he shouldn't be dead.

"Am sorry ma'am we didn't find your husband" a fireman walked up to us removing his cap.

"Not even his body?" My mom sobbed covering her mouth.

The fireman looked down and shook his head and he walked away.

I didn't notice until the tears reached my mouth, Could he be gone with the fire? no how could he, he promised John they'd play tennis when he's back from work.

My sister, penny cried out wailing and struggling to get her Mother's grip off her hand. She couldn't handle it, he was the best dad ever.

My mom held it in as much as she could hoping John wouldn't break down and cry too. She held his hand but John wouldn't cry not even budge. I saw tears roll down his eyes and he clenched his fist.

Even I couldn't hold it anymore, I wanted to run far off and burst into tears. Why? Why? why did he leave us.

"Dr Hart was the one closest to the blast of the Combreck, he just disappeared in thin air. Or maybe he was engulfed by the fire but no one really knows, all we know is Combreck was sabotaged. A substantial vial in the Combreck was missing at the time." a scientist already in the ambulance van said to the reporter.

Sabotaged? who could have done this to my dad? to all this people? and why? what the heck was happening, my dad was always careful with his chemicals. Or could it be the lab next door? did KASSY .CO sabotage their work? and cause the explosion?

John was now dozing in his stand, he was just to little to understand it all. A seven year old having to pass through all this. My mom finally let go of a wailing Penny who now slipped from her grip to the floor shouting "NO NO NO DAD NO"

My mom took John and they retired back into our car, Penny just sat on the ashy grass crying and stomping.

And I just stood there crying silently Dad how could he leave us.

I pulled Penny up and took her to the car and came back, sat on the grass watching the floor that got burnt. I plucked off some grasses tossing them forward.

I wished all this was just a nightmare that I could slap myself and wake up in my room with no memory of the nightmare. But no it isn't it just isn't.


It's been two weeks since my dad died, well vanished. I was obsessed with his work and I was interested in finding the sabotage in the wreck of Combreck that killed my dad.

After school I just came over to my dad's almost burnt out building. Who was I kidding I knew I couldn't find any evidence in this burnt lab. But the lab next door was okay nothing had happened to it not even a scratch. And why?

The place was  baricaded with police tapes I had to sneak in to avoid the sleeping guard. The whole place was a mess. I set down my equipments and my chemicals, the finger vial experiment and the lighting bolt spark that only worked with fire.

I was searching for clues when I heard some thing coming like a celebration next door. Maybe their particle accelerator suddenly worked on their 11th time of trying.

Hours had passed and still nothing and I was frustrated. The police probably took all the evidence with them.

The ground started to rumble and then I knew something wasn't right there, next door, KASSY LABS. I wanted to go out and check when I heard the explosion.

The explosion took me off my feet and then another one threw me on my chemicals. I could feel the finger vial seeping into me and the fire growing wider round the building. I stood up to run but fell back when the lighting bolt confluenced with the fire and hit, then me blacking me out.

The whole building was thrown over by another explosion. The nightmare would soon be over I hoped again, if it will all become a bad dream I would be so happy to see it end.

And then it was over.

I suddenly woke up on an hospital bed.

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