4: Speed

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I woke again, but this time at the medbay at school. The place was scanty of people but vast with bed platforms.

I could see nurse Angelina approaching me.

"You finally awake?" A voice I hadn't noticed before spoke from  the bedside.

I hadn't noticed the quake in my head and the bandage on my head until I was about to turn and check who spoke. The voice was definitely masculine, "hey dude, what happened back out there?" I saw Ben's worried face like that on my mom. Ben used the word "Dude" almost all the time in his conversations with me.

Ben is a good friend to me but to him am probably a best friend,  But I don't hold up the best friend comprehension. I really don't see anyone anymore as a best friend since I had morphed into a teen.

I groaned as I turned my neck back up, looking at Ben made me think about mom.

The nurse came along before Ben could come across any question.
"Does your head hurt?" She asked.

Does it look like it doesn't?
I nodded trying to sit up, the nurse pushed me back down as she said I was to hurt to be up. Then I wondered why'd she ask the question she asked.

"So?" Ben asked curiously after the nurse left.

"So what?" I tried to ignore his earlier question again.

"What happened?" Ben's voice came out more irritated than calm.

"I don't know, I just hit the wall with full speed" I said sounding confused as I was still trying to figure out what happened.

"Wait, so you threw yourself to the wall?" Ben's voice grew louder causing my quake to spin.
I nodded avoiding more stressed questions.

I thought of how I started vibrating and also thought my vibration to be a medical condition that I...............

"Dude?" Ben exclaimed this time ringing my bells. He sounded like he had been thinking of the right accusation to place on me for throwing  myself to the wall voluntary.

"Keep it low dude you're bursting my brains" I retorted irritated. I just actually said "dude".

"Oh sorry". " But why did you... "
Ben stopped sensing his next delicate question.

I sighed.

"Why did you throw yourself to the wall, is it cause' of your dad?"
Ben asked calmly but his curiosity wanted more answers.

I put my palm on my head and shook my head.

"Then what happened?" Ben demanded very loud again.

"I don't know" I said slowly thinking he'll get the message to leave me alone.

Penny and mom just arrived then lengthening the covers.
"Ian,  how are you doing?" My mom asked poking at my head.

"Not fine, I just hit my head on a wall by myself without even knowing it" I said again trying to recollect what had happened.

"Actually it happened almost about seven hours ago." Ben said reaching for his pocket.

My mom and Penny frowned at him and I recollected the whole fact that I was asleep for around what it seems to be seven hours.

"What? Seven hours" I exclaimed under my breath hoping not to increase my migraine.

"Yeah check it, it's after school hours already" Ben waved his phone at us.

Penny shot Ben a threat with her eyes.

Ben recognized the glare and was frightened "what?!!"

Penny reached for his phone and grabbed it, "not helping".

"I've got to go home and get  John from the neighbors, be okay alright?" my mom concluded then kissed my cheek.

"Penny, you coming?" she asked before leaving my sight.

"No, I'll stay with Ian" she smiled at me.

My mom nodded and smiled to me before abruptly walking away.

Ben pulled his phone out of Penny's grip "woaw, look at the time, my mom would be worried sick." he packed up his bag.
"I've gotta go friend, see you"

Wow, he didn't say "dude".
"The speaker was left on when she talked to us about dad" I started.

She nodded.

"Hope no trouble going through the crowd of questions?" I asked chuckling.

"Nah, the principal handled it....."
She sat on the seat Ben just left off. "She made sure Mrs Raymond was apprehended or told me she would be and no student should ask questions or make fun of me" she sighed.

"So any friends?" I asked shifting my view to her.

"Yes a few, and very nice." she smiled.

"Names?" I smiled back.

"Maddie, Emma, and Kelly." she smiled as she reconnaissances.

The nurse interrupted my next question of what Penny had told Mrs Raymond.
"Hey you are now free to go home, take care of yourself and avoid concrete." the nurse handed migraine and pain relieve drugs.

She helped me up on my feet and handed me a cap and I wore it slowly. "Thanks" I smiled at the pretty nurse charmingly.

She smiled back.


The night was cold and I still couldn't get a glimpse of sleep, John was scared of sleeping in the room with me so he went to sleep with mom. My migraine was still felt but with a little emphasis. I kept thinking of how I ran that fast to the wall when wanting to run the other way.

The air conditioner seeped cold air into me distracting my thoughts. I wouldn't want a migraine and a fever at my will, I put the A.C off. I went back into my thoughts, I was vibrating.

I got up, turned on the TV since sleep wouldn't give in. I watched a show, commercial and the news. “The new speedster, Kid flash just apprehended the Plunder, in his attempt at a heist at Central City museum. He was caught in a chase with the speedsters." the reporter noted it had happened earlier that day.

"Another speedster? Cool" I said out loud.

Only if Breton City can have it's own speedsters” I thought. Then the reality clicked in, “am I turning into a speedster?”

I smiled at the thought then shook it off, a vibration could mean anything, I told myself, and plus I hit my head, speedsters don't do that. And I might be too young, but how do speedsters get their power.

I ran possibilities in my head until my migraine gave in, I felt fever through me. I closed the windows but still my shivering started. I put on my coat, the weather is still warm so what's wrong?

I lay back on bed closed my eyes and tried to pick up sleep. I couldn't but I kept my eyes closed for any chances. I began to feel warmer by the moment, then thought maybe the warmth of my coat is killing the fever. I had to open my eyes when drops of sweat filled my face. I sat up then saw that again I was vibrating. I pulled off my coat as quick as I could wanting to jump off the bed and go warn mom but I remembered what happened then deemed it safer to remain on the bed.

On the contrary my feet were  getting impatient and I put them up so they won't move. Seconds later my back started to hurt and I dropped my legs back to the bed on which they tool up pace and I was off the bed heading to the wall.

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