9: The Secret

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The bruises and aches on my body by the time I got home after school was unbearable. The questions asked by the police for their investigation was surprising.

Some still think the masked speedster is just as bad as Jeremy and they plan to catch them both which I of all people would know it's impossible.

My mom was also keen on grueling me and Penny with questions on the incident which I evaded and now am fulfilled to be standing in front of the mirror and examining my wounds.

John comes in and watches as I turn and swirl to clearly get a glimpse of my injuries.
"Hey can't you knock?" I yelled pulling down my vest.

"Am a boy. You're a boy. No knocking unless you're a girl" he said and sat on the bed.

I closed the door. "What do you want?" I asked.

"What are those on your back, did you get bullied in school again?" he searched across the room.

"No, and none of your business" I hissed.

"Wimp". He spat.
"Yeah whatever, get out" I held the door open.

"I wanna play video games" he pulled out a game cartridge.

"Not now, now get out" I sighed pushing him out and seizing the cartridge. I threw it back to a lump of games and bounced to my bed.

"I needed to be somewhere. Talia." I whispered and took out my cell to call Ben.

I rode out on my skates and to Ben's. Ding dong. I rang the bell nervously. Ben's mom was harsh.  Ben trudged out. I sighed.

"Dude relax, she doesn't bite" he ran out to his alley and got on his bicycle. "Need a ride?" He asked.

"Nah, I've got my skate."
"Cmon let's pay your girlfriend to be a visit." Ben started to paddle.

I followed skidding behind "she's nothing like that." I skated faster.
We got to the hospital early, even before dinner time.
We asked for the room where Talia stayed.

She was weak and feeble on the bed. She looked so cute asleep.

"She looks so cute asleep" he nudged at me teasing me. I nodded.

"Maybe we should just come back tomorrow" Ben said.

"Yeah. Let's go check on Collins."
"Collins? Are you crazy."

"Well why'd we then come over here?".  Ben sighed and shook his head "am gonna kill him if I see him". " Cmon let's go" I patted his back and we turned to go.

"Guys?" Talia's soft voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Hey Talia we were just checking up on you." I said. We retired to sit on the chairs beside the bed.

"Yeah I was expecting you, you said you'd come check on me." She smiled and sat up.

Ben stepped on my foot. "Hey Tal" .
"Talia please, Tal doesn't make sense. Hey Ben how are you?" She winked at Ben.

"Yeah um am fine" he replied.
"And your expression? Is it because of my demeanor?" She asked.

"No." He said coughing.
"I've you got cold? Oh sorry, need a kiss?" She leaned in.

"Nah, am good" he drew back in his seat.

"Or do you need a make up?" She laughed smiling at me.

"Ok uh, ah, I'll......  I would be out checking up on Collins ok?" He pulled out skidding out of the room.

“Awkward” I whispered.
"Yeah did the job well. What'd you wanna talk to me about?" She asked now behaving.

I chuckled. "Seriously? You did all that to get him to go out?"
She nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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