Chapter 15 - Human Prey Part 1

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The wolf had begun hunting human prey. They were plentiful in the dark city streets and provided enough good meat to satiate his gnawing hunger. He was still very careful not to let any who saw him live. To do otherwise would displease the Master. He would only stalk those people that were foolish enough to walk alone in the night.

His favorite victims were the bitches who mated with any males willing to give them the hard coins that they so desired. Their scent during the hunt was intoxicating. He relished the way their faces would twist in fear and the high-pitched screams they made when he finally revealed himself. Their blood tasted sweet as he devoured them. Sometimes he would mate ferociously with them before killing them. Sometimes they did not live through the mating.

The persistent fog of the city hid his movements as he ran between the various parks and green areas. Occasionally as he prowled the night, he would sense a rival of his Master. It was often a rich man that surrounded himself with a large pack and traveled the streets only in the horse carriages. He would spend days following the rival, waiting for a moment when he would finally be alone. This would allow the wolf an opportunity to kill the man who dared to challenge his Master.

These men were not as easy prey as the females. They were usually armed with small "fire sticks" so he had to be sure his approach went undetected. The slightest sound or change in the wind would cause him to abandon his hunt and move away to safety. The wolf hoped the Master would be pleased that he avoided detection and not too angry that he was unable to kill all of his rivals.

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