Chapter 19 - The Docks Part 2

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Dorian moved quickly down the quay, his route was erratic and dictated by any cover that might shield him from the fat drops of rain that fell continuously from the weeping sky. At last he reached a narrow alley that had served him well as a short cut to the next opium den.

As he entered, he was grabbed from behind and slammed brutally against the cold wall. His shoulder stung from the impact. A strong hand that smelled of whiskey and sweat clamped over his mouth to prevent any outcry. Dorian heard the audible click of a revolver, which silenced the yell Dorian was preparing in the back of his throat. The barrel of the handgun was pointed straight at his head. The other side of the weapon was held by a stocky, muscular man. His face was obscured by shadow and a heavy, wool-grey pea jacket.

"Keep quiet," said the man as he removed his meaty palm from Dorian's face. "If you move, I'll shoot you right here on the street."

Dorian gasped as he again inhaled clean air. "Take my wallet—whatever you want."

"I don't want your money. You destroyed the life of my sister, Sibyl Vane. However she died, it was your doing. As soon as I heard the news, I swore an oath to end your life myself. For years I have been tracking you down with nothing but the name she used to call you. You were her Prince Charming. I heard it tonight by happenstance and knew at once that it must be you. At long last, James Vane can take vengeance for his sister. Make your peace with God, Sibyl will be avenged tonight."

Dorian felt the blood drain from him and his fear rose as an ominous storm in the night. His voice sputtered like the rain. "I-I-I d-don't know who you are talking about. You are insane. You have me confused with someone else."

A powerful arm violently pushed Dorian down to the soggy ground. "On your knees and confess your crime! I'll give you one minute to pray, then it all comes to an end."

Dorian panicked, but the gears in his mind began to twirl and spin until he settled on a desperate gambit. "Wait. How long has it been since your sister's death? How many years?"

The man thought for a moment. "Eighteen years. My God has it been that long? But it seems as if only yesterday when I last said goodbye to her. Why does it matter?"

Dorian's forced laugh rang with triumph. "Eighteen years. Look at my face under the lamp."

James paused, then dragged Dorian out and into the street. The light was dim and wavering from the frozen wind and cascading rain, but still it revealed the boyish face of a youth—far too young to belong to the man whom he had sought for all these years. Why, the man he saw before him was nearly the same age as his sister at the time of her death. He had made a terrible mistake. This could not be the same man who had destroyed his sister's life.

James released Dorian and drew back. "My God, I would have murdered you. Forgive me, sir." Aghast at what he had almost done, he turned away quickly and stowed his revolver inside his coat. He moved off, repeating his apologies and asking for forgiveness. Dorian rose slowly to his feet. He trembled as he watched the shadow that had almost ended his life recede into the darkness.

James returned to the place where he had first seen Dorian, immediately ordering and downing two shots of single malt whisky with a shaking hand. The haggard woman who had taken Dorian's money hissed. "Why didn't ya kill him? Ya lummox, he's filthy wi' money an' as vile as they come. Ya wo' have done eve'yone a favor by endin' his miserable life."

"He wasn't who I thought he was. The man I am looking for must be in his forties by now. That one was only a boy."

The woman laughed bitterly. "A bo' ya say? Why, it's been neigh eighteen years sin' Prince Charming turned me 'to what I am."

James growled. "Liar!"

"May God strike me dead here an' now if'n I'm ly'in. He's t'a most vile person I have ever met. They say he sold his soul to the devil, in order to freeze tha' pretty face o' his in time. He has hardly changed in the eighteen years sin' I've met him."

"You swear this?"

"I swear! His real name is Dorian Gray. But ya didn't hear tha' here fro' me. Just keep me away from him. Pe'haps ya could use some company t'night?"

With a disgusted look, he pushed his way free and rushed out into the night. But Dorian Gray had long since disappeared.

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