First Meet- Arizona Robbins (Kind of Random ish)

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Addison had been in town for Months now. Seattle was growing on her. She had made a few friends but none to call close, except for Callie Torres. She was an amazing friend.

Addison knew how hung up Callie was over Erica Haun after she left. She didn't think she'd be the same. But that was until Callie had told her about this amazing blonde Pediatric Surgeon. She was very sweet to the kids, she even wore butterflies on her scrub cap. Addison decided to give the girl a chance and get to know her.

She had a case she thought she'd ask Dr.Robbins if she wanted to scrub in on. ... That early afternoon her case came in. It was always a problem with the baby. Addison loved her job to an extent. But she wished people would learn to take prenatal care and have a healthy pregnancy. Not only for them, but for their unborn child as well.

She stood at the Nurses Desk drinking her Hot Chocolate, it was her lucky juju (as her and Derek called it). She paged Dr.Robbins and waited for her to get there. She wanted to know if she was as good as she's heard.

Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd-ReillyWhere stories live. Discover now