Addison Grey's Anatomy AU Piece

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Season 3, Episode 12. "Six Days: Part 2".

-Eights months ago Addison fell pregnant with Mark's child. She had an abortion. She wanted Derek. She thought she could love Mark, but she couldn't.

AU : Eight plus two months ago. ... Addison had slept with Mark. Derek had found out and he left. He left her. The love of her life, had left her. She wanted to go after him but knew she needed to give him space. ... Would their marriage be over?. Later that morning she told Mark to get out. What had she done?. She cheated on her husband. He was never there for her. 

... Two Months Later.
Time had past since Derek had left. No calls, no texts, and no emails. He was really gone. Was it more than space?. Would he ever forgive her and love her again?. ... Addison had to move on with her life. She was a Neonatal Surgeon. She had something going for her in life. But something about Mark had set her off, the way he payed attention to her, and held her and just SIMPLY listened!. Derek never listened, he'd just YELL. He was always so busy with work. He chose work over her. ... Could she... She couldn't. Keep Mark, keep him around so she wouldn't feel lonely. It had been two months since Derek left. All he knew was of that night. The night he came home and found them (Addison and Mark) in bed together. "Get out". Derek screamed. He just locked her out and got his things and left. He left her the house. With the disappointment in his eyes, she could see why. ... Addison had to go after him. She needed to make things right.

... A Week Later, Two Months and One Week Later: She shrugged it off. Addison got up just like every other morning and got ready for work. "Ugh!". She groaned and went to find some breakfast. She walked downstairs and felt a little dizzy. She was a doctor, she should've noticed the signs. She poured herself a glass or orange juice and softly sipped it. She wasn't really in the mood for coffee, but she figured she was just tired. She grabbed a bagel and headed out to work. ... She went to work in her blue scrubs. Normally she wore salmon. It seems to be her favorite choice. It was bright, and cheerful. But today the blue spoke to her for some reason. Was it morbid like she was?. Was it changing as well?. ... No. It was just a color. She shook off the feeling and went to work.

... Later that day at the New York Hospital. She went to the bathroom and threw up. She just thought it was nerves, after what happened with Derek and Mark. She needed to get herself under control. "Come on, Addison!.". She said to herself. "You can do this!. You don't need a man to define you!". "Derek made his choice, now you make yours". She looked at herself after in the mirror and washed up. ... Were things ever going to be the same again or go back to the way they were before?. 

Addison was changing, whether she wanted to see it or not. She went back out and hid her emotions and of course, avoided Mark in any way she could. ... "So what do we have here?". Addison said to her intern. "Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd". The intern replied and went on with the case. ... Within a few hours. Addison treated the woman and her unborn baby and they were both healthy.

She was good like that, always on her A-Game so to speak. Then why was it everytime she saw Mark. She got weak in the knees and forgot how to talk. She forgot who she was. What she was, more than that. A woman!. A woman who was independent all on her own. A woman who should fix her marriage. Not dissolve it.

... Two Weeks Later: Addison couldn't avoid Mark for long. He was still staying at the house with her. Why couldn't/hadn't she kicked him out already?. She wasn't "in love" with him anymore. But she did "love/care" about him. She kept throwing up at random times. Even stepped out of a surgery or two for a moment. She just quite put her finger on it. She hadn't noticed anything out-of-the-blue that was whacked. ... 

She was stressed, sure. But isn't everyone?. She knows the limitations of herself and her job. ... Addison just. She sensed something was wrong. It had been Two Months and Three Weeks since Derek had left and she had been sleeping with Mark ever since. Could it be what she really thought it was?. Was there something more?. ... She decided to be the smart person that she is and use her smarts and check the last date of her menstrual cycle on her phone. She always kept up with everything on her phone. It was MODERN and yet Technical. It was fitting for a women, and for a doctor. ... Addison counted the days from when she last started, to the days she needed to start now. ... Something was way off. "I couldn't have counted wrong, it's always on time. Well it has been the past few years". Addison said softly. She was a Doctor, she knew what outcome could happen next. "I'll just wait it out". She said next, following her first reply. She knew she was lying to herself. The Doctor side of her was telling her she needed to get checked out and NOT IGNORE this!. It was too serious!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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