Living through Nightmares

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My nap with Jeff and the dogs goes great, for the most part. I haven't slept so good in such a long time.. for one reason or another, I never can sleep well.

Right when I feel safest, when I feel most relaxed and comfortable, I begin to have this horrible nightmare. The worst part is, I can't wake up.

For some reason, everything has a really hazy feel to it. My mind feels like it's swimming in some kind of thick soupy stuff; my head really hurts, I feel like I'm lost in a fog. I have no real idea what is going on, everything looks dark and misshapen. Aside from that, I keep feeling sharp pains. Like twigs scraping my skin, or thorns getting caught in my hair.

I can see what looks like a figure dragging someone through the woods, and I feel cold; the kind of cold that one would feel if they'd just jumped in a lake, or maybe a creek, that fed off from the water in a cave. The air bites at my skin, making it worse. I feel almost like the person being dragged through the woods might be me, though by how they are flailing around and freaking out, I am really not sure that it really is me. Which leaves me wondering who it is then; who is the one dragging them, and why?

Unfortunately for me, the questions I have are soon answered - and not in a way I expected or ever wanted them to be.


When I wake up, my head is throbbing and I feel like every ounce of energy has been drained completely out of my body. I'm laying on some freezing cold surface, which I think might be concrete. By the smell of mustiness and the faint sound of dripping water from across the room, it suddenly hits me that I must be in the basement.

The only light that I can see is coming from the doorway at the top of the stairs; the door is open, and I think I can see Smile Dog's shadow passing by. I try to sit up so I can get a better look, but I am struck by the pain of something tightly clasping around my ankle. It's cold, and hard; I assume it is some kind of metal cuff or something.

My gaze slowly rises to see the cause of this unexpected pain as I rub my eyes to try to get my vision to clear up, and lands on the vaguely outlined figure in front of me. By the bits of light outlining bloody white and the glint of craziness in the eyes of the person, I know who it is immediately.

"..Jeff..?" My voice cracks badly, like someone who has been asleep for a long time and needs to clear their throat. "..What're you doing..? Why--"

Jeff's piercing blue eyes slice through me angrily when he looks at me; it takes less than even seconds for him to pull his knife on me.

"Why? Why what? Why are you down here?" He sneers at me, only inches from my face when he snaps at me "Don't act like you don't know."

"What?" I couldn't be more confused as to what in the world he's talking about "I don't!" I hear myself answering, a bit too loud for his liking. "I swear!"

"Bitch!" his answer is to sharply backhand me across the face, before grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look at him. "You're lucky I don't cut you up.." he snarls this, before letting go of me and letting me hit the floor at a painful angle. Without another word to me,  he turns to leave the basement and slams the door behind him, leaving me in complete darkness.


Panic sets in almost as soon as all the light is gone. I try to crawl toward where I think the stairs are, but am stopped just short of them. It's a cruel distance; I can just barely get to them, before I'm stopped by the chain around my ankle. The darkness, next to being alone, is one of my biggest fears.

This, however; this is not my biggest worry.

Not long after I begin to panic due to the utter blackness that I'm surrounded in, I begin to feel really strange again. My head is spinning, and feels like I'm being smacked repeatedly with a hammer in different places. I swear I can hear things laughing evilly at me; see shadows that i'm pretty sure aren't there. I think I feel something crawling on me as well, though no matter how many times I try to smack it off or scratch at it, it doesn't go away.

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