"With Cora gone.."

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(Jeff's POV)

At first, I was all for the idea of having the cabin to myself. Being able to do what I wanted when I wanted without worrying about someone bitching at me for it was great.

The dogs have missed having her around. The puppies and her dog mostly, I think. Since they're a distraction to Smile I would get rid of them, though I think something like that just might get my leg chewed off - me being his master or not. Especially because I think he got Courage knocked up again. Lucky asshole. 

In the first few weeks, I decided to go on a rampage. With my newfound abilities it was much more fun before and much more interesting. I think I got around four or five people before I stopped counting...a good lot of them were fangirls who thought I was there to bang them or "be their Senpai" or some shit. That was a fun idea to destroy.

Blood is everywhere again. All my knives are really gross or lost. The cabin has gotten worse than before I kidnapped Cora; even on days where she was too tired to do anything it looked better than this.

Now that she has been gone for awhile, things have gotten really boring. I do the same things every day, have no one to talk to but Smile and his family of mutts, and keep running into things that belong to Cora that she left behind. Because I was too mad at her in the beginning to care, I left them where they were. It wasn't until one of the dogs snuck something of hers in my bed while I was sleeping, did any emotion besides anger or boredom start to surface.

I hate to say it, but I felt something I haven't felt in years. Something I prefer for only my victims to feel.


I woke up in the middle of the night, having had a nightmare. Only this time, it wasn't about the night I killed my family. It was something much, much different.

I kept hearing the same blood-curdling shrieks over and over. The same ones I heard, when Cora tried to leave and was found by Mitchell. There was blood everywhere, but for some reason I couldn't get anywhere. It was dark everywhere, and I could barely even stand upright because the world kept wobbling around like the whole thing was on some kind of bad acid trip and was taking me with it.

What I finally did see was mostly a haze - shadows that came together and formed the outline of someone I've known for years now. The same person who was supposed to help her, who was supposed to fix her; was now tearing her open, fighting with her to get to her organs. It actually made me sick, watching the only cannibal I know tear Cora apart and start sinking his teeth into her.

Since I couldn't move, I was stuck seeing everything. Every little sick sound made by him devouring her, rang in my ears. Right before I woke up, he looked right in my direction and said something I don't think I'll be able to forget for awhile - while licking her blood off his fingers like candy or something.

"Thanks for the snack, Jeffy...Ya want some?"

That's the only time I can ever remember actually being afraid of him. Of Eyeless Jack. Any other time I don't ever recall that happening to me. And I don't like it.

At all.

The dream faded out to the sounds of Cora crying and begging EJ not to kill her - right before he decided to rip her throat out with his teeth.

When I woke up from it, my first instinct was to look for her and see if she was still here. I'm not exactly sure why, but the moment I figured out that Cora wasn't laying beside me I felt something else I haven't felt in ages. Panic.

Without thoroughly thinking it through, I found myself pulling on my shirt and hoodie, and out the door before I realized it. The split second I took to wonder what I was even doing, it came to me. As if it were "oh so simple," and I should have known already. Sometimes I forget my mind can be a smartass even to itself.

I'm going to go get Cora.

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