All that bleeds

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It's driving me insane. I didn't know how much it was really going to upset me, when I made the wish that I did, and it came true.

I'm not sure how I feel about it one way or another. Aside from one fact; I know I'm getting tired of hearing it all the time. That's what's driving me insane.

Ever since Jenny let me back into the cabin,  almost all I ever hear - all the time - is them having sex. I've tried drowning it out, but nothing stops it. I don't know if Jeff is purposely trying to torture me, or what. I've tried thinking of something else when they start up, but my mind always goes blank. Smile, Courage, and the puppies all seem to notice my growing depressive state; they're the only ones who pay any attention to me now. I could leave if I wanted..

I'm sure Jeff would be too busy getting in Jenny's pants to notice. I don't get any death threats anymore. He leaves the door wide open. It feels like he is practically telling me to go. That's all I've really wanted since he brought me here, and yet; I haven't been able to make myself leave yet.

I've been keeping house. I can say that much. The cabin is much cleaner than it usually is, even with seven dogs and my suspicion of new ones on the way. I guess since Jeff is out killing most of the time, or with Jenny.. he's not here enough to mess anything up. Goody two-shoes for cleaning hasn't been messed up...Woohoo.

Even though Jenny really isn't that bad, I guess, I am still bothered by having to hear their..stuff.. all the time. I've actually been feeling sick to my stomach lately when I hear it. Jenny asks what's wrong - she never brags or brings up what she does with Jeff, as a matter of fact I think it embarrasses her - and by her expressions and shy demeanor; I almost wonder if she really was trying to kill me in my sleep for awhile or if it was just me.


While Jenny is much more quiet and reserved, even skittish at times, Jeff is, as I have learned well over time; completely the opposite. I have come to expect a number of things from him, though the one thing I never thought I'd have to be subjected to was the thing that finally got me to leave.

I woke up from a nap to go get some water, and walked into the kitchen to see that Jeff and Jenny were going at it on the floor. The red that covered her face before her hands did... said she was embarrassed beyond probably what I was. Jeff didn't even seem to notice me being there, despite Jenny trying to tell him so.

The sight not only sickened me to the point of nausea, but made me feel like my heart had dropped into my stomach and my throat was clamping shut. I left the room in silence, wanting to rip my eyes out and burn my ears off so I could never hear or see something like that again. I'm not sure why it bothered me so much, though for some reason it was enough to get me to run. Straight out into the night, and right in the wrong direction.

The one thing I hadn't counted on, was running into someone else out there. I really wish I had.. or I wouldn't be wanting to die right now. At least.. not for this reason.


When I ran out of the cabin, I went for what felt like a good twenty or twenty five minutes on pure adrenaline. If I were to believe anything that Jeff told me about these woods, there were a lot of things other than him that could kill me.

The one thing he didn't warn me about, was the monster masquerading in human skin that I came across. I had heard Jenny say something once about someone named 'Mitchell.' Although I didn't know who it was, it was one of the few occasions she passed out on the couch and was having a bad dream. I could tell, because she kept yelling for help and was almost hysterical. I didn't know if it was better to wake her or leave her be at the time.

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