I'm not a vampire.. but I feel like one.

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(Jeff's POV)

EJ's question hits me wrong. I only find it irritating, and am tempted to answer with what first comes to mind: a very smart-alecky, very 'colorful' denial of the obvious. Instead, I just shrug. Moving aside from EJ, my attention is caught by the faint sounds that I'm sure I can hear coming from upstairs. It is only faint; I can tell my hearing seems to be getting better though. I am noticing things I haven't ever really paid much attention to before now. Like the fact that I can hear a heart beating. It's almost like I can hear the blood pumping and flowing through the veins of whoever it belongs to. Although I already know who is upstairs, I almost give in to letting myself wander up there anyway. Right now, bloodshed sounds not only fun, but appetizing as well.

While I am contemplating whether or not to allow myself to use Cora for a snack, EJ puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Jeff, I'm pretty sure you don't want to do whatever it is you're thinking about." His voice is flat, and I can almost picture what his expression must be.

"How would you know what I'm thinking? What are you now, some kind of psychic or something?" I ask, my mind still preoccupied with my growing bloodlust.

"Because," EJ sighs, turning me toward him. "I've seen these signs before. That bite on your neck, everything you're doing now; even how you look like you're getting ready to hunt something down.. Jeff, these things aren't normal. Even for you."

"What are you trying to tell me, that I'm turning into some kind of vampire freak?" I ask dryly, absentmindedly running my tongue along my teeth. Some seem to be sharper than I remember them to be, because I cut my tongue on one of them and can immediately taste the metallic flavor of my own blood filling my mouth. Oddly, it seems kind of satisfying. What am I thinking? I don't like blood.. at least.. not for drinking, anyway..

My expression hardens as I mentally begin to question and argue with myself; an event that is cut off by what EJ says next.

"Jeff, that is exactly what I'm trying to tell you."


Great. That's all I can think, when EJ makes his statement. I don't really mind blood and all, but I never said that I wanted to be a vampire. The next thought to come to mind, is that this is all Cora's fault. I would never be stuck having to become this freakish thing, if she hadn't of decided to leave the house when I fucking told her not to.

"This is her fault." I mutter under my breath, looking at EJ with a scowl that almost hurts my face, and pulls painfully at my scars.

"What?" EJ asks, folding his arms. "You really want to blame this on her? Jeff, need I remind you; You are the one who brought Cora here. You are the one who decided to let her live. You're also the one who decided to let her have a chance to get out - because you were too busy banging another girl."

He's right. Not that I want to admit it to myself, or probably ever will; although, I suppose she never would have left if I hadn't been so...busy.

She was giving me so much trouble though, that I was too irritated with her to really care. I almost wish that I had killed her a long time ago. To save myself from the irritation, and maybe..just maybe.. to save Cora from the state that she's in right now.

Of all the things I've done to people, none of them have lived long enough to suffer in it. Sometimes. Sometimes, I like to prolong my kills. On the most part I don't because I really don't fancy being caught, but anyway.

While I am brooding over my once again conflicting thoughts, I hear something. It's coming from upstairs.

Too bad for me, the fact that EJ is right and I know it only makes me all the more mad - so I ignore it and forget to really give it a second thought. Which, is really a bad idea. Not that I would know that until later.

"Yeah, well I am really starting to regret it now!" I snap back, feeling my heart pounding in my head. "I should have killed her a long fucking time ago. That, or let that bastard Mitchell do it for me." The snarl that comes from me is almost unrecognizable, even for me.


Our argument lasts for quite awhile, before EJ very quietly nods to something behind me.


"What?!" I ask, my voice raw from the yelling I've been doing, and who knows whatever else is happening to me.

"She's standing right behind you."

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