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"Hey Sam, I guess she doesn't get it" 

"Really? Do you think I should punch her Harder?" Sam breathing hardly after all the punches he aimed to my tired and very exhausted body.

"I guess, we can do better than that!" 

I might not be capable to see their faces in all this darkness, but that voice and that very last sentence made me feel even more scared though seriously I can feel no more. He's not going to punch or beat me more, no! He is going to do me much worse. 

'If it's death, I have to die with dignity...'

"Em, I like the sound of the word... 'better'... Yeah! We can actually have more fun with such a beautiful and very sexy Chick." Sam said excitedly . I could hear him licking his lips. Disgusting! 

'I wish I could just open my eyes and move this heavy body of mine. Please, move! I beg you, do something! I can't die rapped, I can't let this happen! Curse you Reed! Curse you and all your fucking friends! You couldn't handle the fact that I broke up with you for being a bastard, -no for being a fucking mad person. Fuck you Reed!'

Before I could know what's happening a cold hand touched my upper thigh, and a very unappreciated distressful feeling invaded my body. It started moving up and down, and another cold  harsh hand joined the torture. All I can do is scream inside my head without being able to move these disgusting hands off me. They started moving deeper down my shorts, a  wicked disgusting moan escaped my abuser's throat traumatizing my whole body and mind. I swear I felt my body aching from his touches and just the idea of being rapped without  fighting it back  kills me more. I am just laying on a cold floor immobilized, tortured and rapped with no way out of it. 

 'Is that how I will die, rapped?" 

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