Chapter 2

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Darkness, darkness, darkness and silence. I need to get up, let's try one more time.

Slowly open your eyes.

One more time.

Let's try again...

'is that light?'... Oh God, it's light! a very annoying bright light, but it's light! Yes! I did it finally, I am awake.

The room is too white and bright, in fact brighter than I would like to see... and empty.

'Did I think he would show up? How silly of m!'

When I was about to move a very sharp pain spread through my stomach and chest.


"Hold on, don't move I'll help you." The same male's warm voice said.

I looked up to see his face, yup I like him! A tall charming man wearing the white uniform stood not far from me, gazing at me with his deep-set blue eyes. So confidently, he came nearer my bed, pushed a button and the bed started moving up to stop in a half sitting position. While moving, I gritted my teeth trying not to voice my pain. Once stopped in an imperfect comfortable position, he started with the procedures. A blinding light sparkled into my eyes from his small torch that he's holding between his very elegant long fingers. He asked to try and move my fingers, at first it was hard, but after few attempts I got it right.

"Everything is good, we'll get to do some last checks and you'll be free to go." He announced smiling genuinely.

"T..thanks doctor."

"Have some rest, a nurse will be soon with you. If you need anything just press this red button on your left hand."

I nodded my head smiling the best I could.

'Yup, I definitely like him.'

Three days later, I was out of hospital and ready to start over from square; "New and Fresh". That day, I spoke to dad about my determination to leave this place and move to another state. He agreed on one condition; to come and live with me. I was surprised with his sudden change; yet, it made me happy. One month later, we were ready to take our packed boxes and leave. The flight took us almost three ours to reach Boston. Our new apartment is slightly different, in other words, a lot smaller than our home.

After settling down everything, which my dad took care of perfectly well even concerning my education, I was ready to start my new life. Indeed, I am the new girl of Reckson High school. Not sure if this is going to work, or if I could fit in but I am ready to take the risks as long as I will keep distance from all bad boys. I just want to forget everything that has to do with my ex-boyfriend and what happened because of him.

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