Chapter 3

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Already, two months in the first semester . Life has reached a turning point, hopefully this change will be for good.

I walked confidently down the corridor of the school entrance, looking up as if I've forever belonged to this place. But, just to be honest, I don't know where to go.

Enjoying my first steps inside this building as if I have all day. In fact,  I don't care if I will miss my first day, I  have a map to discover.

Looking at some girls swaying their hips, smiling to all handsome boys reminded me of my days back at my old school.

In my old school, I enjoyed the fame. I was known as the bad boy's good girl. Good? I doubt it!.
I was bad, have done bad things; I bullied, made fun of some girls and nerds, I helped Reed in many pranks. I helped Reed in many bad stuff which I deeply regret. Reed however, got worse with his bullying, that he almost killed someone. When everything started falling apart and the badness in him developed to obsession, I got it; I was becoming him. But it was too late for me or even him to take a step back. In that day, I had a big argument with Reed and broke up with him.

" We are finished Reed." I shouted in  defeat.

"Don't fuck with me Leena, we are finished when I say so. So shut the fuck up, I am already in a bad mood."

"No Reed. We are done. You really lost your mind. I don't want to be part of this anymore. You almost killed him! You stubbed him Reed!" I was gasped, trying to keep calm but my anxiousness has already took control.

"I... said.... shut the fuck up." He hissed every word while tightening his fists around my arms before pushing me against the wall. Moving closer to my face, I felt I could  no more bear this face that I slapped him across the face. Shockingly, he looked at me with his eyes turning darker and darker. I felt I lost my ability to breathe and before I totally faint he crushed his lips against mine kissing me, not with love, it has never been love. I pushed against his wide chest to let go of me but he only tightened his grip and this time around my neck. I felt that whatever I had for him was never love. I could no more take this neither could I breathe. Struggling to push again but this time harder and finally when he wouldn't stop I bit his lip and kicked his knee with my boots.

"WE ARE DONE BASTARD. STAY AWAY FROM ME.....I ...HATE ...YOU, I HATE YOU REED." With my broken voice I turned on my heels running to the back door of the house.

He was out of control and already consumed by his obsession. That night,  he broke into my house with two friends and kidnapped me. For ten days he tortured me and beat me until I fall unconscious. Whenever he's not there his two friends take his place to complete the mission.

When I was At the edge of getting rapped and most certainly killed the police found me and rescued me.

Being Reed's girlfriend, was my first mistake. My biggest mistake was for never stopping him. I helped the monster inside of him to control. I was the bad boy's bad girl and I regret that badly.

I don't want any of this anymore. I want to be the good girl that had existed before Reed.

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