Chapter 5

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I walked out of calculus class with a severe migraine. It was terrible, I have serious issues with solving problems especially if numbers are involved.

"New girl!" A heavy hand crashed against my shoulder almost making me fall on my face.  "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" a boy said. Yes, a boy came from nowhere to scare the hell off me and out of the blue he addressed me. I eyes him angrily, but that didn't erase the plastered smirk he was holding. I looked at him for a second before I  recognise his face; He was in my class earlier.

"Name is Jade, a classmate and an admirer. I salute you for your courage Miss Leena."  He bowed taking off his invisible hat. He looked cute smiling. He's tall, much taller than me. He has dark blue eyes and honey blonde hair covering part of his forehead giving him the look of a playboy.

"Thanks I guess."

"Can we be friends? I want you as my bodyguard," He said before coming nearer my ear to whisper in a low voice."I have many girls stalking me, maybe you will scare them off."

I looked at him for a moment checking his face before bursting out laughing.

"You should laugh more often" He said winking his right eye.

"Well, you will have to pay me. I don't bodyguard people for free." I winked teasingly.

"You can have all my precious belongings; An old pair of socks, my boxers of luck which I never wash it stinks by the way and... "

"I got it, I got it! You're broke." I chuckled.

"Broke and proud."

"Good to know."

"Mark. Mark!" Jade suddenly yelled looking at the right before he grabs me from my hand dragging me towards a boy standing in front of a door, perfectly tall with tight jeans and brown leather jacket covering a most certainly leaned body.

"What" He snapped at Jade without even turning around.

Bad attitude.

"Mark meet my friend Leena, my bodyguard." Jade enthusiastically introduced me.

"Good for you." Still not turning around to look at us.

"Say Hi!" He looked at me pleading not to mind his attitude.  But I do mind, and badly.

"Not interested, since he didn't even bother to turn around to answer you." I calmly said looking straight at Jade.  I wasn't ready to make  new bad friends with attitudes and whatever underneath such personality.

It didn't take a second thought for me to turn around and leave poor Jade looking dumbfound not sure whether to follow me or to scold that big arse in front of him.

Such attitude belongs only to one category of boys; bad ones. And for that particular reason I can't let myself get involved with such people  in any way no matter what.
'Leena you've got to focus, stay invisible, don't get involved with no bad boys and no troublemakers.'

"Leena, wait up" Jade called from behind running so fast to catch up.

I stopped just for his sake, because he was nice to me.

"Leena, sorry about him, he is just in bad mood."

Bad mood?

A flashback to when Reed used to be always in bad mood crossed my mind and his only way to feel better at that time was to bully Ashton the nerd.

"Leena! You okay?"

"What?...y...Yess I am good. And don't worry about it."

"So, wanna go somewhere to have coffee with the handsome.. the cool... the Great Jade Anderson? "

"It would be a pleasure Mr. Anderson." I giggled. It has been long time since I giggled with a boy so freely without being afraid that Reed would find out and beat the hell out of that boy.

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