Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – Is it just me?

Harrys Point of View:

I rolled over, sucking in my breath as hit my arm on the bedside table – realising I wasn’t in my own. I looked up, rubbing my eyes at the room around me I, It was Blues – thinking I must have slept with her, I quickly looked down at myself I was relieved when I found myself in my boxers still. I sighed and looked at my watch, 7.09AM, shit I thought, I had to be at work in half an hour and I rolled out of bed. I wandered into Hannah’s room where I had left my bag, grabbing my shaver and tooth brush I headed into the bathroom, taking a quick shower, and shaving my morning stubble off. Pulling on my light blue shirt over my head and slipping into my clean trousers, I left my shirt unbuttoned, while I went to get some tea. I cupped the mug in my hand, and packed up my things, writing a note for Blue – ‘hope you’re feeling better, thanks for letting me crash – had work, but finish at 12, fancy brunch? H x’ I placed it on top of the coffee pot where I knew she would be drawn too as soon as she woke up and felt her head spin.  I washed my cup up, tucked in my shirt, and then slipped quietly out the house. Snow had fallen over the ground, and the street looked like someone had dusted it with icing sugar. I jogged towards the bakery at the end of the street to warm myself up, watching as I breathed in and out and my breath turned to a white mist. I pulled my key out of my wallet and slipped it into the stiff iced over lock – Pulling at the iced up door to the bakery I fell back as it opened suddenly. I chuckled to myself and stepped inside, the Bakery was misted up, and I flicked the heater on, and starting my usual routine. First I wiped the tables down, and tucked the chairs under, giving the floor a mop and wiping the counter down. Once that was done I pulled out the oven’s tray and plopped the pre-made cakes onto the tray, starting the ovens for the day while Marco was sorting out the bread etc. Marco wandered in shouting some abuse in French at me as he mumbled about his car not starting. I sighed, and waited for the first customer; my mind flicked to last night, I’d almost defiantly kissed Blue – and I knew it felt right. I thought about it, and decided if she was into it today at brunch then I would talk to her about it – but if she wasn’t, Id forget about it.  I served the usual customers and smiled when I felt my phone vibrate – pulling it out I read the message from Blue: ‘ Love too – ill come to you B x’  I smiled at the message and pushed it back into my pocket, the morning went by continually slowly and I watched the clock eagerly.  I went back behind the bakery to Marco at quarter to twelve, a new guy was coming to do some afternoons and Marco told me he was called Liam. I heard the door open, and I looked behind me, Walking in was a tall boy, blonde/brown hair listening to his iPod – ‘you must be Liam? I’m Harry’ I said, holding out my hand for him to shake it, he smiled ‘yeh, I’ll go say hi to Marco’ he said, his voice lower than mine, and smiling I grabbed my bag, and yelled goodbye. Liam disappeared behind the till, and I leant against the wall waiting for Blue.  She walked towards me, her slim figure perfectly hugged in a long red coat. She looked beautiful, her hair framing her face, and a little white beanie planted on her head. ‘Hey’ I said, giving her a hug, she smiled and we started walking towards the tube. ‘Shall we go to that place in Kensington?’ she said, raising her eye brows nodding we hopped onto the tube and as the wind rattled through the tube as it started to move; I got a whiff of her strawberry hair, I grinned.  We stepped off the tube, and chatted while we walked up the high street of Kensington – the restaurant we wanted to go to was a little diner on the corner.  I held the door open for her, and she stepped inside.  Blue waved at the man behind the counter, and walked over towards the booth by the window; she slipped off her coat and folded it on the bench beside her. I slipped in opposite, and did the same. Blue was wearing a pair of tight jeans, and a red eagle jumper paired with some high tops – she really had me with something so simple. (  I sighed, ‘sorry about last night.. .’ she said blushing and looking at me, I waved her off; ‘really, don’t worry about it – sorry you were sick’ I replied, looking at her pale face. ‘Last night was a mistake Harry, I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me.’ She said softly, I held my breath – it was like a cold sharp knife plunging into my heart. I took a deep breath to hide my disappointment and looked at her – her eyes were big and apologetic. ‘We were both intoxicated clearly’ I said to her, she nodded and looked out the window. After the awkwardness had passed on my half, we enjoyed the rest of our lunch and continued to chat as we walked back home. The air was icy, and the ground dusted with snow – perfect winter weather I thought as we rushed onto the awaiting tube.

Blue’s Point of View:

The night sky was clear and the temperature had dropped well into single figures, bringing the first real intimation of winter since the snow had fallen. I’d had lunch with Harry – and needless to say it was awkward; Never had there been a moment when I wished I hadn’t kissed him – when I wished I hadn’t blown him off by saying it was a mistake. Though as my mind drifted back to his face, I realised he probably did think it was a mistake, and I was only making it less awkward saying it. Clearly he didn’t have feelings for me like that anymore, we’d done that – and I needed to find my feet again and rebound. I whipped out my phone, and rang Louis – his familiar voice answering instantly calmed me. ‘You better come over after work Loueh, Han and I want to see you – bring Harry but he said he was busy?’ I said, Louis laughed and agreed to come for a take away after work. I continued to walk towards the shop – Harry had left me on the tube earlier, and I had stopped via the local shop to get some food. I picked up the pace, moving my feet carefully along the icy side walk as I texted Hannah about what food we might need. Instantly a reply came with a list of things and I rolled my eyes – top of the list was Hannah’s favourite bottle of wine. I pulled open the shop door, and was hit by a warm rush of air – Kevin the local shop owner greeted me, and I made my way through the aisles.  I swiped my card and reluctantly punched in my pin; I loaded myself with the various bags of shopping and items and staggered towards my flat. ‘Han!’ I yelled, and she rushed down in another one of Louis’ shirts, this time made into a dress, a belt around the waist and a pair of old patterned tights. She grabbed a few bags from me, and pulled the door shut. I collapsed onto one of the kitchens battered chair and Hannah put the shopping away – ‘YAY’ she clapped as she pulled out the two bottles of expensive wine, I rolled my eyes and kicked off my shoes. I explained about last night – and the awkward lunch with Harry, I left out the regret that I felt but she knew. ‘Bluey, I know you still like him... Don’t hide it’ she said, smiling at me, I blushed and picked at my cracked nail. ‘I know you know, but he doesn’t feel the same alright?’ I said, slightly agitated and moved towards my room. ‘You don’t know that!’ she yelled behind me, but I shut the door to avoid any more talk about me and Harry.

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