Chapter 6

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Chapter Six – Living to Expectations

Hannah’s Point of View:

I wiped the sleepy dust from my drooping eyes, and sat up – my head spinning like it usually does when I wake up too quickly. I smiled Louis had slept over last night, we’d been to a club and got back pretty late – we were going out tonight too. I smiled down at him, his tanned flawless face undisturbed by day’s upcoming events. Without a doubt, tonight when we went out with Blue and Harry something would happen, good or bad it was inevitable.  I glanced at the clock, 8.30am eugh way to early; I took a sip of the warm water by my bed, and snuggled up to Louis. Louis slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he rolled onto his back. ‘Morning beautiful’ he whispered sleepily into my hair, I kissed his cheek and then put my head onto his chest. His hand ran up and down my spine, tracing patterns on my warm skin. Louis was incredibly gentle with everything, and just the feel of his finger tip on my skin made me shiver with pleasure. ‘Lou... .’ I said, my voice soft and questioning, Louis looked down at me and kissed my nose; ‘why won’t Harry just kiss Blue?’ I asked again, sitting up next to him. Louis sighed, his chest rising and then falling – ‘I think there’s a lot more riding on their relationship then we think...’ he said, squeezing me tight, I nodded I knew it would take some time.

After falling back to sleep – Louis woke me up at around 10am, I smiled as he brought me some tea. I couldn’t help noticing his toned chest as he walked in just wearing his boxers handing me the tea he sat on the end of the bed. Louis ran his hand through his soft hair, moving the messy hair into its usual ruffled style. I sipped my tea and watched his perfect figure move around my room, pulling his clothes back on.  I finished my tea and feeling warm from the inside out jumped into the shower. Pulled my hair into a pony tale, and applied my make-up. Then finally pulled on some jeans and a hoodie. Louis and I were going to spend the rest of the day watching Harry Potter in the sitting room, until Blue came home and then we would go out. Blue had been staying at her mums’ house last night. 

Blues Point of View:

I staggered up the stairs towards the flat that afternoon with my overnight bag almost tipping me over it was so heavy. I smiled as Louis opened the door and thankfully took the bag, ‘shit what have you got in here Blue?’ I smiled, ‘nothing!’ I called into the room, as I jumped the next two steps to the flat. Hannah was in the shower; Louis was pulling on his blazer for the nights activities. I was so excited, as a four we were going out altogether and this was just the begging of the Christmas parties – Louis birthday was in about 3weeks, during that time we would live it up. I smiled Louis was my best friend, ‘you alright going with Harry?’ Louis said, sitting on the edge of the sofa. ‘Yes, I guess Lou, I don’t know, we will see...’ I said, averting my gaze from his pressing eyes. I pulled off my coat, and went into my room – id showered and done my make up at my mums, so I just pulled out a black dress- some heels and my red lipstick. The dress was tight and almost so tight I couldn’t breathe – but, I knew it would make Harry look at me. The dress had squares cut out of the back, showing a lot of skin. I’d been thinking about tonight for a while, usually I wouldn’t bother – but I needed to prove to myself that Harry and I weren’t meant to be together ,I had to move on, and I knew the only way I could do that would be to prove to myself he didn’t care. I smiled as I walked out, Hannah had her arm around Louis waist, she was wearing a white dress – tight and sparkly, and her hair was piled up on her head like Audrey Hepburn.  ‘Let’s go beautiful girls!’ Louis said, causing Hannah and I to laugh and follow Louis out the door. 

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