Chapter 12

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Chapter Tweleve:

Louis point of View:

I couldn’t wait for my baby to get back, god I had missed her – and I need to talk to Blue too, Harry was almost in manic depression without her. They seriously were so stupid, they didn’t think the other liked them, when I knew both of them did – it was obvious, I don’t know why Harry had gone out with Daisy, she was nice, and we got along well, but I don’t know why he does it to himself. He fucked up with Daisy, and they had agreed the next day, to be ‘friends’ although I knew Daisy would never be able to shake off the embarrassment for some time.  The girls were due home the next day, Harry hadn’t asked when they were back, but I knew he had already checked my planner and seen. I reached above my dresser for the box of presents I had already bought. I smiled when I thought about how organised I was for this Christmas. Usually I rushed around, and grabbed things – no one liked or used, or Harry bought them and wrapped them and wrote my cards, I was hopeless. But this year I had bought them, Harry was out working – so I took this opportunity to wrap them and sort them out.  I had four little charms for my sisters, a dress for my mum and a hat for my dad. I had bought Harry a new pair of Ray Ban wayfarers and then I had bought Blue a pair of heels Hannah had said she wanted. Hannah on the other hand, I had taken a bit more time into, I wanted to get her something amazing. I had gone out shopping with Blue – bought Hannah a pair of purple heels – that apparently went with the dress Blue was making her, so that was the first thing, I was still waiting on the other things to arrive though.

‘Hey man’ Harry called as he walked in; I shoved my duvet on top of the presents and slammed the door behind me.

‘Haha present wrapping Lou?’ he joked as he plonked himself down on the sofa; I nodded and told him to shush before sitting opposite him.

Finally Harry had gone for a bath, so I slipped the rest of the presents away, and checked the time, 7.30pm normally I would ring Hannah but she said she was spending her last night quietly and I didn’t need to call, I smiled at the thought of being with her in less than 12 hours. I flicked the gas on, and I got a faint smell of Harrys shampoo as he walked into his room. I pulled the sharp plastic off the tacos, and plopped the mincemeat into the pan, giving it a shake it broke into little pieces and started to cook. I added onions, and garlic to the mince, and grated some cheese, the smell of food bought Harry out in his boxers, a shirt billowing open.

Oh yum Lou – you haven’t cooked this in a while’ he said excitedly, Tacos was one of Harrys favourite meals.

We ate, and discussed the day, eventually the conversation drifted to the return, of two of the most important girls in our lives, and Harry blurted how nervous he was, and how much he needed to kiss Blue and tell her he loved her. I knew Harry was attracted to her, but I didn’t realise it was like this, I didn’t realise just how much the guy loved her.

Dude, you HAVE to do it right this time... Okay?’ I said to him, he looked up, interested…

‘What do you mean?’ he asked, his mouth full of taco, I nodded and chewed.

‘You need to approach her slowly, show her you really care, okay?’ I said again, Harry nodded, and finished his tacos, his face deep in thought, his brow burrowed and concentrating.

Chapter Eleven: Reunited:

Louis:  ‘God I’ve missed you Lou’ Hannah whispered as I held her tight in a hug. Hannah was looking beautiful after her week in Ibiza; her hair was highlighted, her body was tanned, and a small amount of freckles dotted her high cheek bones. I was standing in my room, Hannah had just eaten with me, Blue was with her friends Cassie and Niall, and Harry was at his parents, tactly gone away for my night with Hannah.

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