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Wow, it does feel cool to finish one book in one day lmao.

I came up with this idea some time during the day.

And uh, I hope you have enjoyed it.

But if you didn't then lemme know.

This feels like a typical story I'd write.

Because it doesn't make sense.

So okay, there are two types of stories I often write - mainly two types, but doesn't exclude other types.

So first type is happy.

Second type is sad. Which is this one in this case.

So okay i am still struggling try to get used to mac keyboard but oh well

I mean the point it, i sometimes write these kinds of sad stories that don't even make sense - not really shameless self promotion but if you read secret on lhLegend25, well, that is sad and doesn't make sense as well

shit reminded myself i need to update more and town


yeah i write weird stories and this is a typical story by me.

And as for why i deleted accident and white wind.

they are too long and when i write long stories i over think.

so, um maybe it is not important but just spoiler for my own sake.

jks maybe not i am getting bored myself.

and well.

i might get a q&a chapter next.

so if anyone is actually reading this, leave q in the comments and yeah.

g2g before you hit me with a box of choco again



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