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Jaeyeong only had a week left, and she had already lost her bet.

Seungkwan was dating Sooyeong.

And he was happy.

"Hahae, when is Jaeyeong coming back?" Hansol asked rather casually during lunch.

Seeungkwan's gripped his fist, slightly.

Not many people noticed, but both Hansol and Hahae did.

Hwang Jaeyeong, you are doomed.

"What's really going on between Jaeyeong and Seungkwan anyway?" Hansol tried to ask Hahae when no one was around.

"She's a lil' hoe." 

So, Hansol was the only one to know about that stupid little bet apart from the girls.

"She's so doomed." Hansol, shaking his head.




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