Red Flag

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Gun cocked, she sprayed bullets.

Not a flicker on her face as bodies dropped like errant flies. Her eyes were hard as she covered Simeon and Ju-long's back until reinforcements could come in. The smashed screen of her comms device was flickering, signalling that back up was on their way which only made the glint in her eyes colder. She wasn't even sure they would be needed by the time they arrived, especially with the ferocity Simeon and Ju-long were attacking in.

She was on a warpath

Rage and malice rooted deep in her heart. Tears trailed down her cheeks but she hardly noticed them, she was too focused on her targets. Her shoulder cocking back in a sweet rhythm, a symphony to her ears as blood flew in the air and screams rung around the room like a sirens call. Luring in the predators to their wailing prey.

Simeon was howling, his thick wolf pelt slathered in blood and remnants of human flesh.

There would be very few prisoners tonight.

Jana dropped to the floor, her leg extending out in a swipe and her arm cocking high as she popped a bullet in the staggering males head. His pupils white as his eyes rolled and he fell flat to the ground, blood oozing from his forehead.

She barely acknowledged the dead body as she climbed to her feet and stepped over him, her feet nudging against his cold body as she began her perusal around the outskirts of the room. Her mind had switched off a long time ago, it could have been the moment she took the first shot of her gun and splattered deep crimson against the marred grey walls. Or it could have been the moment she stepped into the room and saw flesh being torn as men stood by laughing, faces wet as innocence was ripped from bodies so brutally.

Even in the midst of defeat these males had made time to plunder, to pillage and rape. They had made time and now she was making time to pluck them off one by one, making her way around the room to ensure that no little rats could escape.

She didn't see these faces.

The only faces she saw were the tear streaked ones of those females who had scampered from the room in relief. The only faces that replayed in her mind were the faces of those children, the families. Those innocent people down in the basement who had been shackled like dogs and slaughtered like cows in a production line.

There was a cold detachment to her movements. She was physically present but mentally she was somewhere else. Her emotions buried deep inside her as she laid waste to the scampering humans before her.

At another point in time she would have been the female to implore Simeon to spare their lives. To give mercy but not today, not when she had seen firsthand what these humans were capable of.

How they had raped, branded and killed those people in the basement. They were treated like nothing more than cattle to these humans but Jana was a raging bull and the sight of innocent blood had sent her into a frenzy.

She was blind to reason, blind to humanity.

There was none left inside her.

There had only ever been one choice she would make out of the two options, fight or hide and maybe at some point she would have hid. Along time ago she would have avoided confrontation but not anymore, now Jana lived for the fight. For the euphoric feeling of winning a hard fought fight.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now