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I'm gonna start being one of those authors and ask for comments. Bc I'm needy and like to hear from y'all

So 15 comments for the next update x

The next morning Louis woke up slowly. His head was pounding and he felt like absolute shit. He groans and sits up and suddenly he remembers where he was, and what happened.

"Fuck..." He mutters and puts his hand on his neck. The gauze was still there. He bites his lip and he gets up quickly. He needs to get out of here, before the man notices him.

He quickly goes downstairs as quietly as he can before he goes to the living room. He puts his panties on and his dress. He grabs his heels and is about to run out but he hears the mans voice.

"Don't you want your money?" He asked. Louis glances back and frowns not seeing him. He looks to the direction where he hears him. He is hesitant but he carefully and slowly walks to the entryway of the kitchen.

There he was, his back faced away from him and he was...shirtless.

He gulps a little when he turns and he can truly see tattoos that scatter his fit toned body. He ended up staring at it and when Harry cleared his throat. He looked to his hands instantly and avoided eye contact.

A plate of food was set in front of him and he glances to Harry before he looks to Louis. "What happened last night...?" He asked finally able to look him in the eye

Harry frowns and takes a second. "I figured you would of forgotten..." He mumbles. He sighs and looks to his food. "You better eat..." He said with a nod to his plate.

Louis glances to it. "I'm not hungry...I want answers." He said.

"I worked on that most of the morning...I suggest you eat it." He said with a stern voice.

Louis shivers a little before looking to the plate and nods. He grabs a slice of bacon and slowly munches on it remaining quiet. "Do you have a name or do I just keep calling you daddy?" He asked

The man smirks a little. "I like it when you call me daddy...but since this is serious I suppose you can call me Harry."

Louis nods before getting more bacon in his mouth. "Harry suits you." He states. Harry gave him a smile before it was silent again. "Are you going to actually answer me about what happened?" He asked

Harry bites his lip. "Orange juice?" He said standing up.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Just water." He said before pausing. "I want an answer Harry."

Harry pours some orange juice for himself and then gets some water for Louis. "What exactly do you remember?" He asked.

Louis shrugs as he is handed water. "I remember almost dying from massive blood loss. I remember something sharp going into my neck and then...sucking."

Harry bites his lip. "Well I didn't suck your blood." He begins. Louis doesn't say anything so Harry continues with a shrug. "I just so happened to thrust in too hard and you fell and cut up your neck against something sharp." He said with a slight shrug.

That made no sense. So all Louis could do was stare at him before he rolls his eyes and he pulls on his shoes. He stands quickly and marches to Harry, holding his hand out. "If all you're going to do is give me pathetic lies I'm just going to ask for my money and leave." He began. "Hopefully I can pay my rent, maybe get some groceries, and hopefully never see a psychopath like you again."

"Watch your tone boy..." Harry said with a particular dark look on him. It makes Louis bite his lip but he stands his ground

"Just please pay me..." He said sighing with an annoyed tone. "And would you stop trying to bloody freeze me to death." He said at the sudden chill.

Louis bit his lip seeing how Harry just stared at him. A darkness settled into it that showed something like, a serial killer. Louis gulps nervously and jumps when Harry finally moves. He stands up quickly and exits to retrieve his money. Louis feels his heart accelerate and he doesn't move until Harry comes back and throws the wad of cash at his feet.

"Get out I'm done with you."

Louis rolls his eyes and he picks it up. He stuffs it in his purse and glances to Harry before he walks off. "Should be paid more considering what I went through...." He slams the door and he sighs running a hand along his face.

He hoped he never had to see him again.

+ + +

Harry watches as Louis storms out and he just stands there in frustration. He actually started to like this boy. Unlike the other good fucks he's had, Louis was actually decent.

Then of course he had to almost suck the boy dry. He shook his head trying to rid of the thoughts before turning to the food. "Didn't even finish what I made for him...ungrateful..." He mutters as he begins to pick up what was scattered on the counter.

He begins to wash dishes before he begins to think about Louis. Maybe he would try and give this boy another chance. Because this boy was rare. His blood smelling so intoxicating and then his body that had those sinful curves.

Harry groans deeply at the thought of his bum. The best bum he's seen in decades. He shakes his head trying to avoid the hard on that was beginning to happen.

You want him you go get him.

His thoughts get the best of him and Harry groans rubbing at his face. The voice was right though. Harry did want him. Not for his blood, but for everything that boy had on him.

He should of seen it sooner. The tingles, the want, the addicting taste of his blood.

He's Harry's mate.

A/N You probably figured that this man was Harry lol.

Also sorry I have to force comments on y'all in order for updates but it just seemed like no one was commenting anyway.

So please forgive me

Comment: #HarrysMate if you enjoyed this chapter

Also vote and that stuff


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