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A couple of weeks have passed since Louis and Harry had their encounter.

Louis was kind of relieved but at the same time he kind of missed him. It was weird. He just tried everything he could to get the thought out of his head.

Tonight was a big attempt to do just that. He stood in front of his full length mirror and was applying makeup. Right after applying the sinful red that went on his pouted lips he rubbed them together before humming and standing up straight. This night he wore a red lace covered dress that complemented his curves and almost golden skin. He smirks a little before he pulls on the strappy 5 inch heels that made the tiny boy a decent height.

After he pulled on his coat that he remembers this time he glances to himself in the mirror and fluffs the hair up a little more before he made his way out.

+ + +

"I could make you feel so good baby..." An older and slightly chubbier man says as he stands next to the prostitute. Louis places his dainty manicured hands on his waist and juts his hip out a little, pulling off the sassy appearance, which seemed to be a normal thing for him.

"I am sure you can lover boy..." Louis begins. He notices the man walk closer to him with a needy expression on his face and Louis sneered slightly. "I hope you can pay though." He states quirking his eyebrow.

The man hums a little and he nods to him, not even looking at his face. "Oh don't worry we can get to that later." He said gently placing his hands on the smaller boy's hip. Louis however swats the man's hands away and gives him a look.

"Ah ah..." Louis said giving the man a stern look and a raise of his eyebrows. "You have to show the cash before you can touch the merchandise..." Louis said in his normal sassy tone. Most men find his sassy tone cute, but this impatient man though otherwise. Louis could tell he was getting annoyed and that may have concerned him a bit. Louis gulps before taking a small step back.

"You think you have any say in this bitch? You don't talk to me like that you ungrateful little slut...with the way you're acting I think I should just fuck you in the car and get it over with." He said stepping closer.

Louis was a little more than worried now and he shook his head. "Sorry not interested anymore..." He said as he turns away and attempts to get away from the creep. However the man acted quickly and his rough grasp pulled Louis against his frame. Louis squeaked out and nearly tripped but the man had a good grasp on him.

"You don't walk away from me bitch..." He muttered right next to his face. Louis could smell the faint smell of spearmint gum and cheap cigarettes. Louis tried to remove himself from his grasp but it was no use, the man may of seemed out of shape, but he was pretty strong.

Before Louis could think a sudden blur pushes the man away from him, and he ends up tripping backwards on the heels. He groans at the sudden pain in his bum. He grumbles a little and stands up. As he does that, he turns and he gasps at the scene. He sees Harry, but his big hand is constricting the chubby man's breathing. He could tell as the man was gasping and his face was slightly red. "Touch him again and I'll rip your throat out." Harry said in the most menacing and deep growl that Louis has heard.

Louis gasped and hurried over. "Harry no. Let go!" He said as he took a hold of Harry's arm and pulled at it. It wouldn't budge and Louis's heart was racing at this point, not wanting this man to die. He hated him and his creepiness, but he didn't want him dead. "Harry!" Louis said in one more desperate plea.

Harry clenched his jaw before he eventually let go and the man fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. Louis stared at him before he was suddenly being dragged off. It took him by surprise and he then remembered he wanted nothing to do with Harry. "Hey! Let me go! I am working!" He said in almost an exasperated tone.

They reach Harry's very expensive and sleek car and Harry opened the door. His harsh gaze staring right into Louis. "Get in!" He said in a stern tone that made Louis think tonight he was going to die. He then regained his confidence and shook his head.

"You can't make me!" He snaps as he continues to pull on Harry's hand to let him go. Damn his strength was so intense, he felt like Harry could crush his hand in one squeeze if he could. Louis gasps out when the grip is tightened and he's pulled close to him. Louis's eyes widen when Harry bares his teeth and he notices two remarkably sharp canines...odd

"You are testing my patience right now. Either you get in, or I go back and kill him. Your choice." He says rather bluntly.

Louis is silent for a while and he glances to the man that is now getting up and walking away. He closes his eyes and sighs before he glances to Harry. "Fine." He speaks before getting into the car and sits quietly. He notices the subtle warm air and he glances at the panel and sees the heat on.

As Harry walks to the driver's seat and gets in Louis thinks to himself quietly. Harry was definitely not normal. He thinks back to everything with Harry. His strength, his sharp canines, the speed, and the bloodiness he has already experienced. It only seemed like one thing. Louis glances over to him and bites his lip. He looked normal, minus the very dark look on his face as he sped away with the loud charger. He looks to his hands and stays quiet.

What did he get himself into?

A/N Hiya! I am finally done with this semester for school so I thought...why not celebrate with an update? :)

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- Kaspar x

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