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Louis sat in the cafe and just kept his stare on the two things in front of him. A chai latte and his phone. He would have hope for maybe just a text or a call, but he got nothing. He sighed and leaned back. He couldn't help but think it was his fault. He just wanted to be with Harry a bit longer before they had even considered anything like...a baby.

He looked down at his flat stomach and tried imagining it is a bump. It was impossible to even think about, but slowly he could picture it. He could see the bump growing and Harry constantly rubbing at it. It was almost perfect and Louis felt like getting emotional again. He could not cry again so he sighed and sipped at his latte as he looked up at the door when the chime was heard. 

His eyes locked onto Liam's and he quickly panicked seeing his friend walk in. He rubbed at his eyes quickly hoping he didn't look sad, which may have been impossible to do at this point. "Louis! Nice to see you!" He exclaimed which made Louis look up to him with a small smile.

"Hi Liam..." He said with a hum and looked up to his friend.

Liam looked around and then back to Louis. "Boyfriend not here?" He asked

Louis blushed as he mentioned Harry. He once again looked at his phone to see if Harry had replied, nothing. "Just came on my own. You can sit with me if you like." He said with a shrug. 

Liam nodded before he looked to the line that was forming at the counter. "Yeah just let me get myself a drink." He said. Louis nodded and watched him walk over before he returned his gaze to his drink and phone. He checked it again and there was nothing. He really wanted to throw his phone or something at this point, the only thing keeping him back is the expense of the item.

His thoughts are interrupted when Liam comes back and sits across from him. "So what brings you into town." He asked as he drank his coffee, Louis could smell it too with how strong the coffee is in this place.

"Like I said came to get coffee on my own." He shrugged. Liam observed him before he could figure he was lying.

"Louis I may have only known you for a little bit but I can tell when you are lying, you're a terrible liar." He said

Louis bit his lip before he sighed. "I..." He sighed and looked down at his hands. "Me and Harry had a fight." He admitted 

Liam frowned and he sighed back. "I am sorry man, but you can't really let it get you. I mean you love him right?"

Louis looked over at him and he nodded

"And he loves you back?" He asked the follow up question

"Of course." He answered without hesitation.

"Then it will work out, I am sure you two will make up." He said 

Louis nodded but he sighed as he remembered the argument they had. "I am just worried, because I upset him and he upset me and we've fought a couple times in the past week and I just...I feel so bad..."

Liam frowned not sure what to say at first. He contemplated his response before he finally spoke. "Why were you fighting?"

Louis sighed and glanced down at his stomach and responded with the truth. "We found out I was pregnant...and well I just...I wasn't ready to hear that and it offended him. It got too intense and I was only startled. Of course, he saw that and he flipped out...so now I am here."

Liam was too busy being shocked at the fact his friend was pregnant. "Louis! That's so great congratulations." He then took a deep breath. "And don't worry I am sure everything will work out for the two of you."

"I know but he hasn't called me yet...or even sent me a bloody text." He grumbled as he glared at his phone. He shook his head. "Enough about me, last time I saw you I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you, what's up in the life of Liam Payne?" 

Liam chuckled seeing Louis put his head on his hands looking genuinely interested. "Well...I met someone...and I kind of like him, even though we just fucked eachother the second we saw eachother. I actually feel more than just lust...something warm and fuzzy ya know?" He asked

Louis nodded with a big grin on his face. "Oh yes believe me I know that feeling. When I first met Harry it wasn't there, but it slowly came around." He said, he then slapped his shoulder. "GIVE ME DETAILS PAYNO." 

"Well the sex was rushed and-"

"NO NO NO! Not the bloody sex ya wanker! What does this special someone look like? Ooh or even a name?" He asked before he went to sip at his tea

Liam snickered before he shrugged. "His name is Zayn." He said 

Louis nearly spit his tea out but kept it together and looked to Liam. "He sounds lovely Liam...have you got his number or anything?" He asked

Liam sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "No...but maybe I would run into him again somehow." He said with the smallest shrug

Louis only smirked before he sipped at his tea again. "We can only see." Despite the two of them being complete enemies, Louis totally thinks the two should be a couple, he just needs to work out some plan, and maybe manage to get Harry to not want to tear his head off

Just as he was thinking of him his phone began to go off signaling him he had a call. He saw it was Harry and quickly answered. "Haz..?" He said glancing to Liam who gave him a reassuring smile

"When are you coming home?"

His voice sounded broken and Louis felt his own heart shatter.

"I can now...just let me finish my chai." He said softly. 

"Okay...I-I can make breakfast?"

It sounded like a peace offering and Louis felt his heart swell at that. "Okay Haz...I will be home soon then..." He said before exchanging a goodbye with him before he hung up. He then collected his stuff quickly. 

"Seem calmed down now?" He asked with a teasing smirk

Louis shrugged as he began to finish his drink. "I think we just needed some time to ourselves." He finished the mug and placed it down before making sure he had everything. "God I hope Harry won't figure out that I was hanging around you...we've had enough fighting."

"Just spray some perfume on I am sure you'll be good." He said with a chuckle

Louis nodded. "Yeah hopefully enough to mask the werewolf scent." He said before he realized what he had said and his eyes widened only for a second. 

"What?" Liam asked shocked at his statement.

"Oh uh...nothing..." He stood up quickly before grabbing his mug and taking it up. "Nice seeing you Li..text me or something...bye." He dismissed himself quickly. When he was outside of the cafe and far enough he mentally cursed himself

Curse his non-filtered mouth.

A/N So the secret is out! Ziam may or not be a thing...WINK WONK

Comment: #CafeLiLo if you enjoyed this chapter

Question: How do you think Harry will react to the news? Zayn?

Also vote and that stuff


- Kaspar xx

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