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The next week practically flew by. I had to force myself to that sarcastic and arrogant behavior everyone knew me by, even though I really would've wanted to dance around the hallways and hug everyone who walked past me. I had a crush - and I was completely different from my normal self. In the eyes of everyone else there was nothing between me and Brendon, but as the days went past it became harder to keep my hands off him. I couldn't care less if someone knew about us, but Brendon didn't want anyone to know - he was obviously still thinking too much. Thinking about his family and - I felt a jolt of uncertainty as I thought about this - his girlfriend. The girlfriend that would arrive for a visit this weekend, along with Brendon's parents. We're in trouble. Well, it didn't prevent us from stealing secret moments in the further hallways between classes. It was kind of uncomfortable to hide under the dusty velvet curtains, but for Brendon I was ready to stand dust allergy and asthma fits if they'd follow.

On Thursday night Brendon was a bundle of nervousness and he could barely sleep. I wondered if he was still thinking about the 'sins' he had committed, or had he really abandoned religion on that night in the church?
Usually we slept in our own beds, but on the night between Thursday and Friday I sneaked into Brendon's bed as he tossed and turned, unable to sleep. He made room for me and pressed against my chest with a sigh, burying his dark head under my chin. I stroked his hair soothingly until the warm, even breathing against my neck expressed he was asleep. I kissed his hair absently before drifting to sleep as well.

In the morning I woke up before Brendon and remembered what was going to happen today. The Day of Judgment, I grimaced to myself. Brendon snuffled in his sleep and pulled the covers tighter around him, and I looked at his sleeping face as I waited for the alarm to go off. Dark lashes descended to his cheeks like fans and his strong eyebrows straightened beautifully over his closed eyes. The soft, full lips were slightly open, and you could see a flash of his perfect teeth in between. After staring for a moment I closed my eyes for a while and then opened them again as if to make sure this was real. He's so perfect... I sighed wistfully. And perfectly mine. At least I hoped so. I wondered what Brendon would say to his parents and his girlfriend. I doubted he wouldn't say anything, because his parents would probably take him away from this harmful school if they knew. Perhaps it was better if Brendon just acted as if nothing ever happened.

Brendon mumbled something and cracked his eyes open. He was adorable when I had just woken up, he was so out of it all, and I smiled at him when he turned his dark chocolate eyes to look at me, yawning. He smiled back at me, eyes still half-lidded and sleepy, and I leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. Brendon wrinkled his nose and chuckled slightly. Then he seemed to remember something and grew serious.
"It's Friday," Brendon whimpered, sounding slightly scared.
I rose to lean onto my elbow and looked at him worriedly.
"Yeah... I was just wondering what you're gonna say to your parents... and Sarah?"
Brendon shook his head. "I-- I can't..." he whispered weakly and shivered.
I nodded.
"Your parents would send you away if they knew?" I raised a questioning eyebrow and Brendon nodded, swallowing hard.

"How about Sarah?"
"She'd tell my parents. I'll just have to pretend everything's alright," Brendon buried his face into the pillow and I heard some muffled cursing. I stroked the hair in his neck and dragged my hand down the smooth skin, stopping in between his shoulderblades.
"So I'll have to keep my hands off for three days?" I asked mischievously, pressing my mouth onto his shoulder. Brendon turned to his back and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. He looked at me for a moment like memorizing my features, and then pulled me into a kiss - first it was soft and careful but then it turned harsh dance of our tongues and lips. When we parted, slightly out of breath, Brendon smiled obliquely.
"They can have during the days... At night, I'm yours."

Then he winked his eye and kissed me again. I raised my eyebrows, but kissed him back. I felt hot and cold shivers running down my spine, and I noticed Brendon's body was warming up to the kiss as well. He pressed against me and slung his leg over my thigh. My fingers wandered over the skin of his back, counting every vertebrae and feeling the muscles under the skin, and Brendon's hand was messing with my hair as the kiss deepened by the second.

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