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Title: Board-f*ck-ing-School
Author: sateenmusta
Rating: overall NC-17, at first PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon, [vague Ryan/Cor]
POV: Ryan's
Summary: "Bren, please," I looked at him pleadingly. Brendon shook his head angrily.
"Why? What the fuck were you thinking?" he hissed, trying to blink away the gleaming in his eyes. I closed my eyes and then opened them to see a lonely tear rolling down his cheek.
"I'm so sorry, Bren," I muttered. "It won't happen again. The last thing I want is to hurt you, believe me. I'm so, so sorry," I whispered and felt tears burning my own eyes as well. Since when had I started crying like a girl and explaining my doings? Apparently since this kid stole my heart...
Disclaimer: Not real. None of it.
Author Notes: What can I say? Thank you, everyone still reading and commenting. <3



For a moment I considered ignoring the call, but that would have been even more suspicious than the situation already was, and so I raised the device onto my ear.
"Hey?" I muttered questioningly.
"Ryro?" I heard a muffled voice. I tensed. There were clearly tears in the tone. What on earth had happened?
"Yeah?" I asked, glancing at Brendon, who seemingly was flicking through the notebook but was still obviously listening to every word I said.
"I was in an accident," Cor sniffed. "I'm in a hospital right now. Could you come and see me, please? They said that..." His voice lowered and disappeared into a sob. "Ryro, I'm scared..."
I sighed and side-glanced at Brendon.
"I'll be there," I finally agreed. I listened as Cor mumbled the address of the hospital, and I wrote it onto an empty page of the notebook with a pen that Brendon reached from the nightstand. Cor ended the call, still sobbing, and I wondered what the hell was wrong.
"Who's Cor?" Brendon repeated his earlier question. I closed my eyes for a moment. Alright, Ryan, the moment of truth.
"Cor is a guy whom I met on the plane when I returned from Minnesota," I blurted out, and Brendon wrinkled his forehead. "I, uh, hung out with him a few times, but then on one evening..." My voice grew low, and Brendon glared at me suspiciously. "...one night he kissed me. From that on I've been avoiding him, but now..." I pointed at the Sidekick on the bed like it explained everything. Brendon paled a few shades and fidgeted with the edge of the comforter - which had been turned over because of the mess on it - looking highly thoughtful.

"Did you kiss back?" Brendon asked finally. I rewinded the night at Cor's place over in my head, nodded slightly but then shook my head.
"I-- Maybe a little. But then I pulled back and left..."
I didn't care to mention that Cor had kissed me again, because to that I hadn't exactly responded. Brendon seemed to digest all this new information for a while, his expression turning more and more hurt by the second.
"Bren, I... I'm sorry," I mumbled and raised a hand to stroke his hair. Brendon shook the hand off.
"Are you gonna go and see him now?" He asked, clenching his jaws together tightly.
"I..." I begun. "He was so scared, I have to..."
Brendon's expression stopped the words on my lips.
"Have to? Have to?" Brendon snorted.
"Bren, please," I looked at him pleadingly. Brendon shook his head angrily.
"Why? What the fuck were you thinking?" he hissed, trying to blink away the gleaming in his eyes. I closed my eyes and then opened them to see a lonely tear rolling down his cheek.
"I'm so sorry, Bren," I muttered. "It won't happen again. The last thing I want is to hurt you, believe me. I'm so, so sorry," I whispered and felt tears burning my own eyes as well. Since when had I started crying like a girl and explaining my doings? Apparently since this kid stole my heart...

Brendon looked at me sadly, but reached to wipe a tear off my cheek.
"You look like a raccoon again," he grinned, blinking away the tears. I smiled and grabbed the hand on my cheek, holding it against my skin.
"Bren, I am so sorry. If I could, I'd take it all back," I mumbled and moved the hand on my face so I could kiss his palm. Brendon nodded weakly.
"Come with me to the hospital," I suggested, sniffing slightly.
Brendon shook his head and turned to his side. "I don't wanna see him."
"Bren..." I sighed deeply and swallowed. "Are you mad at me?"
Brendon seemed thoughtful and wiped away another tear from his cheek. "Not really," he shrugged. "I'm more like disappointed..."
I inhaled deeply and looked my Sidekick for time. It was quarter past one.

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