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Brendon and I sat at the waiting room of the hospital, Brendon's hand nestled into my palm and his other hand stroking over my knuckles soothingly. I was happy that he was there with me, I would've gone nuts if I'd had to wait for the news alone. Over the phone they had merely announced 'a slight change in Mr. Adams' condition', but of course the bastards had failed to mention whether the change was for good or for bad. I felt like being in a crappy hospital TV series as I dully followed the nurses and doctors zooming past us. Finally one of the nurses approached us with a self-important expression and a pile of papers in her arms. The nurse eyed my make-ups and overall image with disapproval, but then came to talk to us, glancing from Brendon to me.
"Ryan Ross?"
"I am," I muttered and looked at her expectantly.
"Mr. Adams would very much like to see you," she said, scribbling something onto the topmost paper she was holding.
"He's awake?" I snapped angrily. Of course they couldn't tell that over the phone, noooo, they just had to be vague and torture people, causing them to wait for the worst.
"Yes, Mr. Adams woke up just a moment ago," the nurse glanced at me over her glasses. "The issue we phoned you about happened earlier, and it seemed he was going worse. Mr. Adams, however, surprised us all by waking up." The nurse smiled coolly.

I got up from the plastic chair, and Brendon followed suite.
"Can we see him now?" I asked. The nurse pouted her lips thoughtfully.
"Only briefly, he is not to be burdened with anything right now. This way, please," she pointed towards the left-side corridor and led us on. Brendon's hand squeezed mine tightly, and he smiled reassuringly as I glanced at him.

Cor was lying on the same bed as previously, still pale as dead, but this time his eyes were open. He smiled weakly and raised a hand towards me. I let go of Brendon's hand and grasped Cor's - and I didn't fail to see the hurt expression on Brendon's face because of that. Cor squeezed my hand lightly and smiled, looking at me.
"I dreamed about you, Ryro," Cor said, and I nearly heard how Brendon turned red from anger beside me. Easy there, Cor, unless you want my angry boyfriend lashing out at you right after you've woken up from coma, I snorted to myself. Cor gazed at me with his bright blue eyes, ignoring Brendon almost totally. Not good, I stated as I noticed Brendon's jawline tightening slightly.

I pulled my hand off from Cor's grip to go and drag a chair closer to the bed. After a moment's hesitation I brought another beside it, for Brendon. I sat down, but Brendon stood demonstratively where he was. I snorted to myself again. On the other hand I realized he was jealous, but then again I couldn't understand the attitude. Cor had just woken up from a coma. Coma, Brendon. It's not just some random little thing, especially when it wasn't sure whether he'd wake up at all! I shook my head lightly to Brendon. Whatever.

Cor was too tired to talk much, but I kept on talking to him, and Brendon wandered around in the background, glancing at me from time to time. I ignored his irritated expression for the time being. We'll have time to discuss our issues later, but not now when Cor is so weak, I thought and closed Brendon out of my thoughts for a while. I smiled slightly at Cor.
"Oh, I nearly forgot, merry Christmas, Cor!" I leaned in to hug him carefully, and Cor raised his weak arms around me.
"Merry Christmas to you too," he murmured and looked at me wistfully. Brendon nodded and was already waiting at the door when I said goodbye to Cor and told him I'd come and visit again as soon as possible.

Brendon remained quiet as we paced on the corridor. I sighed theatrically and rolled my eyes.
"What is it?" I finally snapped, stopping in the middle of the hallway. Brendon cast a gloomy look at me.
"You were practically all over him all the time!" he said in an accusing tone.
Great! I had been thinking that Brendon had taken this whole Cor-episode a bit too well at first, that he had supposedly gotten over and forgotten. But I should've known it would erupt at some point.
"Brendon, isn't that a bit unreasonable? The dude just woke up from a coma for fuck's sake," I crossed my arms over my chest and raised a questioning eyebrow.
Brendon death-glared me. "You still didn't have to fuss around him like some love-sick fool!" he snapped.
My eyebrows shot up. "So I can't be worried about my friend, huh?" I smiled obliquely. Brendon didn't miss the sarcasm in my tone.
"Friend, yeah, my ass. A friend who happened to kiss you, and you're supposed to be my boyfriend!" Brendon growled.

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