Meet the team 3

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Heavy watched Medic walk.Heavy felt something in his heart every time he saw Medic. He wasn't sure why. It was obvious that the Russian's heart was fluttering every time he saw him,But why? He barely met him,and yet he feels his heart flutter every time he sees him. The Russian was falling in love for the German Medic,and he doesn't even realize it. Heavy went to his room,and got to bed. He started thinking about him...Medic. Heavy started thinking of him in different ways. "What is happening to me?" Heavy asked himself. "Why am I thinking of him?" Heavy soon fell asleep. He started dreaming about Medic. Both were wearing their uniforms."Heavy you look so handsome" Medic chuckled. "Come closer heavy..." Medic said softly. Heavy came closer to him. Medic put his lips close to Heavy's,and kissed him. His lips were locked to medic's. Medic flicked his tongue around Heavy's mouth. Heavy could feel Medic's tongue on his lips. His blood was rushing through his veins. His heart was beating faster every time medic's tongue flicked around.

 His heart was beating faster every time medic's tongue flicked around

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All of a sudden Heavy woke up. It was all just a dream. Heavy's heart was beating faster than ever. "Why did he kiss me in my dream?" Heavy asked himself. "Why did I dream about him kissing me?" Heavy has never dreamed about a man especially a man kissing him. Heavy didn't sleep all night he was sweating all night. His heart wouldn't stop slowing down it just kept going faster and faster. It seemed like an endless road. His breaths got shorter. He couldn't breathe at all. His blood was rushing. His heart was beating faster than his mini gun Sasha. His sweat was running down his face. His face was turning red. He had never had such a dream that could make him feel like that. The dream felt so real he could feel Medic's body...he could feel his hands on his chest...he could feel the warmth of his lips kissing him...he had tenderness for him. Heavy knew that he had barely met the man,but his feelings were going off the path already. Suddenly Heavy's mind were full of words. His head started to burn. All what was in his mind was Medic's Dreamy Sky eyes. "Heavy...I love you." Heavy's mind started hurting. "Why I love you why am I thinking about him?!" Heavy said growling in his mind. "NO!" "I'M NOT!" "I DON'T!" Heavy said screaming in his mind. Heavy thought he was going crazy when actually he was really having a crush on Medic. Medic did nothing,but paper work all night. Archimedes Medic's bird flew on top of his papers. "Not now Archimedes." Medic sighed. "I can't anymore I always do zhis every night I want to do other things,but not zhis..." "I wish I had someone to always be with me..." Medic said in a sad tone. "But I guess it's never going to happen...vell at least I have my doves." Medic sighed again. "Every day is going to be the same." "Zhis is nothing but a stupid war I don't know why I chose to vork here with Idiots...except for him...Heavy...but he still is a little Annoying." Medic said murmured. "I wonder how he is at war...I guess we shall see." Medic said smiling. Medic got back to doing his paperwork. Archimedes disliked to see his master work,so Archimedes decided to stand on his master's pen. Medic tried moving his pen while Archimedes was trying to keep steady. "I see you vant me to stop vorking Ja?" Medic asked Archimedes. Archimedes made a soft coo. Medic put a a finger on Archimedes head and moved it around. "Alright you Vin..." Medic said softly. "I'll see what I'll do..." Medic wasn't really sure what to do...especially at night. "I can't talk to anyone...I can't do anything..." Medic said groaning. Archimedes made an angry coo. Medic knew his Dove was trying to tell him something. Medic chuckled softly. "You are trying to tell me zhat I can do something right?" Medic asked his dove. Archimedes made a soft coo. " about...Heavy? Medic asked Archimedes. Archimedes made an excited coo. Medic chuckled again. "Vell I certainly hope he's not sleeping." Medic left his office. Medic walked a little bit around,and found Heavy's room. Medic knocked softly on his door. "Heavy are you avake?" Medic asked softly outside his door. Heavy opened his door,and looked at medic. "I'm awake." Heavy whispered. "Can I come in?" Medic asked. "Of course!" Heavy said softly. Heavy let Medic inside his room. "Why is Doktor awake in the middle of the night?" Heavy asked Medic. "Vell...I always do paperwork...every night,and it's just zhat I'm tired of working." Medic said in a proud way. Heavy was still thinking about his dream. Heavy made eye contact with the German. "H-Heavy?" Medic asked nervously. "Don't be afraid of me I'm not like them..."  Heavy said. Medic bit his lip. "You don't have to worry." Heavy said softly.
"So you are not like the other Russians?" Medic asked. "Not at all." Heavy whispered softly. "I thought All Russians hated us Germans." Heavy said. "Some Russians,but not all of them...some respect Germans like me." Heavy chuckled. "Do you vant to do something?" Medic asked. "No What do you want to do?" Heavy asked. "I don't know maybe talk?" Medic said.
"Talk about what?" Heavy asked. "Vell tell me everything about you." Medic said. Heavy grabbed Medic's hand. This took the German by surprise. He blushed like a school girl with a crush. Heavy laughed. "Pfft No I'm not a man who kills innocent people! I'm a man who kills for a reason..." Heavy said. "Vell I appreciate your honesty..." Medic said softly. "If one day I'm lying to you surely not because I'm terrible liar." Heavy said honestly. Medic chuckled. "You certainly do look like a good Large man." Medic said Smiling. Heavy looked at him. "Talk about my teenage hood yes?" Heavy asked.  "Of course!" Medic said. "I was born and raised in a cold place in Russia. Although my father always hit me and my mother. He was in his side and not our side. He eventually got killed by them..." Heavy said softly. "I am so sorry..." Medic said with guiltiness. "It's ok Doktor you didn't know." Heavy said softly. "And vhat happened if you don't mind me asking." Medic said. "When he died...well my mother had my 3 sisters before he died...I always took care of them the oldest one would be Zhana..." Heavy said softly. "3 sister ye? And I suppose you are ze oldest brother,and only brother am I right?" Medic asked. "Yes" Heavy said softly. Medic chuckled. "Vhat did you do when your father died? Medic asked. Heavy didn't say anything for a long while. "When he died I was with my youngest sister when suddenly I saw them throwing fire at us I killed some of them in front of my youngest sister we all ran I saved them all." Heavy said. "Wow heavy you are so brave..." Medic said amazed. "Not really I'm dumb..." Heavy said. "You are not dumb...heavy you are so brave,and part of that you are also So Handsome." Medic said. "I'm stupid,and fat Doktor can't you see?" Heavy said. "You? Not handsome?" Medic chuckled. "YOU are handsome heavy anyone vould vant to be vith you as long as I can tell." Medic said. "Than why am I still not a husband?" Heavy asked. "Vell zhat is because-Vell...I honestly don't know,but I think you are perfect for someone..." Medic said. "Thank you" Heavy said softly.

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