Meet the team 4

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"Vell Heavy I came here to ask you something..." Medic said. "Go on..." Heavy said softly. "Vell...this is going to be a decision...I been working on this little experiment I discovered something radioactive since I came here I can use it for ze healing...although I made a machine that can make anyone who wears it can make themselves immortal...which of course I need to heal to achieve..." Medic said softly. "I'm on it..." Heavy said softly. "It contains heart surgery,but don't vorry you von't die as far as I'm concerned..." Medic said softly. "Ok it's fine I trust you..." Heavy said softly. "I'm warning are the first person I perform a radioactive experiment..." Medic said in a serious way. "When are you going to do this to me?" Heavy asked. "Maybe tomorrow..." Medic said. "Doktor you should go..." Heavy said softly. "You're right someone might suspect." Medic said. "Go now before someone sees you..." Heavy said softly. Medic left. Heavy's heart melted. Heavy felt in heaven that's when he realized he started falling for the German. Heavy thought he was Intelligent,Handsome,Determined,Brave,and much more. "That man...he's so handsome...." Heavy said to himself. Heavy chuckled. "What am I? A Russian man or some man who likes another man?" Heavy asked himself. Heavy went to bed thinking about Medic. Heavy then fell asleep peacefully,meanwhile at Medic's office Medic feed his doves. Medic chuckled. "Zhat man is so nice and kinda cute." Medic said softly. Archimedes made an exited coo. Medic chuckled again. "You silly bird he's just a friend..." Medic said. Archimedes made an annoyed coo. "Oh hush Archimedes...besides he's just a friend that will be helping me out." Medic said. Archimedes knew his master was in love. Archimedes made a little coo. "Hey I understand that coo... Archimedes no I'm not in love! So please stop! He's a man so am I!" Medic said. "COO! COO!" Archimedes made a mad coo. "Ok! Ok! Fine! I like him,but I think he likes vomen..." Medic said. Medic made a sad look. Archimedes cooed in a droopy way. "Besides we barely met..." Medic said. Archimedes made a soft coo. Medic giggled. "Mein gott I'm turning into a voman..." Medic said to himself. Archimedes made a soft coo and flapped his wings slowly. Medic pet his dove. Medic chuckled. "I'd kiss him but no I barely met him..." Medic said. Archimedes rolled his eyes. "Oh don't give me zhat look!" Medic said. Medic blushed. "He's so handsome..." Medic said. "Bleh what am I? A school girl?" Medic asked himself. "Cmon Josef he's a man like you..." Medic said to himself. Medic kissed Archimedes head. Archimedes made a happy coo. Medic made his dove fall asleep. Medic decided to sit down in his chair. "Zhis papervork I don't want to do zhis anymore..." Medic said to himself. "I just need someone to love me..." Medic said softly. Medic then fell asleep. He started dreaming about Heavy. They were both on top of something.They had finished War for the day. Medic got his arm injured. Medic was next to Heavy.Heavy noticed his injury. Heavy was holding a sandwich. "Doktor!" He said handing out his sandwich. Medic turned his head around a bit and smiled. That's when Heavy kissed him. Medic woke up. "Heavy! gott its just a dream!" Medic said.

"Agh those eyes! He's not my crush!" Medic said

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"Agh those eyes! He's not my crush!" Medic said. "That felt real..." Medic said softly. "Doktor..." Medic could hear Heavy's voice. "'s ok..." Heavy said softly. Medic's voice was full of Heavy's words. "Heavy?" Medic said softly. Medic was day dreaming. Heavy chuckled. "Heavy?" Medic said softly. "Yes?" Heavy said. "Vhy did you kiss me?" Medic asked. "Because you're my best friend..." Heavy said. "Heavy you can't kiss your best friend..." Medic said. "But you like me..." Heavy said. "No Heavy I don't like you..." Medic said. "Perhaps only this might prove if you love me..." Heavy said. Medic fell asleep and started dreaming about what he was day dreaming. Medic started at Heavy. "We've known each other for years..." Heavy said softly. "Heavy this is wrong..." Medic said. Heavy chuckled. "I thought you liked me back..." Heavy said. "I-I do but..." Medic said. "But you are afraid to kiss me..." Heavy said. "Yes..." Medic said. Heavy chuckled and kissed his lips softly. Medic's heart fluttered. Heavy chuckled. He slid a hand down Medic's part. That's when Medic woke up in a hurry. His heart was beating faster and faster. "Vhat vas zhat?!" He said. "Vhy him?! Vhy?!" Medic said screaming. Medic fainted.

End of Chapter 1...
The next Chapter...
Chapter 2 will be much longer than chapter 1... chapter 2 will be better and longer...this Fanfic contains Team Fortress 2 over the years to understand better TF2 I recommend to read the TF2 Comics...

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