Chapter 3 / Meeting The Johnsons

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Chapter 3
Meeting The Johnsons

By the time we reach the house, it was nearly to 7 at night.

"James, is this where I- I mean we, going to live?" I said, my eyes were in a huge house, the gates open as the car went in.

"Yes, sweetheart." James calmly said and I gasp.

"Omg! This is not a house. This is a mansion, James!" I exclaimed, and I heard laughters from both James and Dax.

"I think you have been too long in Korea."

"Of course, it's where I lived!"

I said excitedly while getting out of the car. The house is huge, I was standing on the pathway.

"C'mon." James pushing me slightly to go to the house entrance first. There was a back entrance and I can hear a few splashes.

"The kids must be in the pool. I told them that Jenny is coming though." James said, unsure as he unlocks the door.

When he opens the door, my jaw widens to see how beautiful the hallway is. I mean there were pictures, as I walked forward.

"Look, that's you." James said pointing at a picture and I smile alittle. To be honest, there were pictures of me alot as I go in further. Some of the pictures were filled with boys splashing water at me, and some of me and the boys scattered around, sleeping.

"James," I called him and he looks at me with a smile.

"I'm sorry if I couldn't remember anything," I said with the sincerest tone ever and James looks at me, smiling and also looking at me weirdly.

"Why are you apologising?"

"Because, by looking at these pictures, it looks like I spent my time here. A lot." I said, amused and James chuckle.

"Hey, it's okay little one. Your Dad told me you really work hard. Although he never told me what is your job. But I guess you were stressed alot, don't you?" James said while ruffling my hair as we walk towards a room, which I guessed its the living room.

"Honey! We're home!" James yelled and a woman pops out her head from an area, which I think is the kitchen. Her eyes then looks at me and her head immediately popped in.

In a matter of a second, she came out of the kitchen, running towards us. At first, I thought she was going to go towards James but instead it was me.

I was engulfed in a very big and squishy hug. I heard a sniff. When she broke the hug, she was crying. I widen my eyes and I could hear James laughing.

"Hey, I mean hello ma'am. Please don't cry. I mean, I came here to stay for a while. Not for long." I said and it made her even cry more. I look towards James for help as he chuckles while going towards her.

"Honey. C'mon. You look like a baby, Isabella." And with that, he earns a punch from her. I smiled alittle to see them joking around.

Ms Isabella looks at me with a wide smile.

"I think you might have forgotten me. My name is Isabella Johnson. Jenny, baby. You came here often when you are just a little baby until middle school." Isabella said while squishing my cheeks. James then somehow singnalled her to let go of me.

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