Chapter 10 / "Wae???"

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Chapter 10

"So, how are you, in Korea?" Jayden asked as we were running on a treadmill.

"I'm good, as always." I said while trying to catch my breaths, earning Jayden a laughter as he glance at me.

"Let's take a break." He said while walking out of the treadmill and I soon follow him, as we walk out of the room.

As I was walking beside him, we passed by some guys, and from far, they were eyeing on us. Maybe they are just looking at Jayden since he has the best body among the both of us.

They walked past us, and I felt something on my butt. I squeked alittle and I looked behind quickly, to see some of the guys giggling. Did they just...?

"Hey, dude. Did you just touch my girl?" Jayden approached the guys and I just look at him, speechless. My girl?

The guys saw Jayden's face became red, his veins popping out on his hands. Knowing the Jayden has big biceps and all, all of them look terrified since they kinda look small.

"Jayden, it's okay.. Let's just go home.." I said while pulling his arm, his head turn to me with a frown.

"It's okay? It's not okay at all, Jenny. They touched you."

The walk to home was really quiet

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The walk to home was really quiet. Jayden made the guys apologise to me one by one, and after much begging, I finally made him go home.

As soon as we reached home, Jayden straight away went up without saying any greetings to his brothers.

"What's wrong with him?" Zachary asked as he looked at the stairs then back to me.

"Some guy touched my butt."

"What? Who?" William interjects and the others kind of turn their heads to me and I just shrugged.

"I don't get why he would get mad."

"Jenny, the guy touched you butt." Joshua said while crossing his arms, and I just nodded slowly. At least the guy never touched my breast or anything.

"I'll just go up, and talk to Jayden." I said, going upstairs and I heard a loud sound in Jayden's room. It sounded like he is punching a sandbag.

I knock on the door, three times.

"Come in."

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