Chapter 23 / "You shouldn't dig into someones elses life."

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Chapter 23
"You shouldn't dig into someones elses life."

"Who is the bad boy that everyone is talking about?" I asked Lina and she stop whatever she was doing, as she looks at me.

Apparently, my classmates were telling me about the bad boy, saying that he is back from prison and stuff. I was actually not interested because it was someone elses life. But the more people were talking about it, the more I am become interested in it.

"Wilder Thompson." Lina said simply as she looks down.

"Speaking of the devil.." I whisper, as the door of the cafeteria opens to see the previous guy who bumped onto me. I stared at him and surprisingly he looks at me, giving me a look then walking away.

I frown while looking towards Lina, my frowns deepen a little while looking at Wilder again.

"You look like Wilder.."

"That's because he is my older brother." Lina mumbled and I widen my eyes.

"That's why no one wanted to be my friend, because they were scared of him, there were a lot of false of rumours about him before you came." Lina explained and I just nod.

"It's okay, no matter what rumour there is, I'm still going to be your friend." I smile at her and she nodded.

"Is the Johnsons boys friends with Wilder?" I asked Lina and she nodded.

"Yeah, Wilder is close with the Johnsons, especially William, to be honest the Johnsons were close with Wilder ever since kindergarten." Lina explained, and I frown a little. So that means Wilder could possibly known me?

"Jenny!" I heard someone yelled my name and I look behind Lina to see Joshua's table. He was waving at me to come to him.

"I'll be right back." I said towards Lina and she nods a little. I went towards Joshua, his friends were also looking at me and I can't help but to feel nervous too.

I stand infront of him and he frowns at me. "Sit, Parker. Why do you look nervous?" Joshua jokes and I quickly sitted in a middle of 2 unknown guys, facing Joshua.

"When are you leaving Korea?" Joshua asked and I stared at him.

"Are you serious? You ask me to come here just to ask me when I am going off?" I folded my arms and he scratch his head awkwardly.

"Yeah, half of it. Okay, fine! These annoying guys wanted me to introduce you to them!" Joshua whines and there were guys waving to me and winking at me. I smile awkwardly at them.

"Yeah man. Jenny is the talk among the other clubs, because she is really pretty." One of his friends said.

"Yeah man. I heard from some clubs that Jenny smelled really good when she walked pass them." Another one said, and so more. I look at Joshua for help and he just looks at me sadly.

Of course I would also get to know them. Joshua's close friends were Colton, Ace and Ryder. Joshua is close with his teammates but the 3 of the guys are really close to Joshua.

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