Janus Quadrifrons - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Narriation by V.D.

This is the clean cut version of the narriation in which you can enjoy the narrator's voice without any sound effects.

In case you find it boring, flat and that you fall asleep while losing interesting in the story, you can move on and some chapters later you will discover the second version of the audiobook where sound effects have been added. You can choose the one that pleases you the most :)

J.Q. - Ch.1 - Edited Version is the wattpad's chapter where the edited second version of the audiobook begins. 

I am currently working on the second version so only the first version is complete. 

Keep your fingers crossed. If I manage to stick to the plan the second version will be uploaded within the next few weeks.

Thank you for your time :)

Janus Quadrifrons - Audiobook #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now