"I warned you"

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"So when can I come round?" Phil asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed.
"Look, I appreciate that you want to meet my parents and stuff but Luke is so overprotective and so are his friends-"
"What, the music nerds?" He scoffed.
"Phil." I warned.
"Fine, fine, Calum, Michael and Aidan." He mumbled.
"His name is Ashton, not Aidan." I scoffed.
"Babe, whatever, can I come over or not?" He sighed. I returned it and nodded.
"Okay. But don't be an ass to the boys." I warned.
"Did you really just say that?" He scoffed. I rolled my eyes.
"Come on." I mumbled, taking his hand and walking towards the school doors.

I opened the front door and pulled Phil inside.
"Are we alone?" Phil smirked as he started to kiss my neck.
"No, no you're not." I immediately pulled away from Phil and my eyes widened as I saw Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton looking at us. Luke looked furious as his arms crossed over his chest. I looked at Calum to see him glaring at Phil. He scoffed and shook his head.
"Hey...I didn't know you were home and had company." I gulped, grimacing at the feeling of Phil's hands still on my body. Could he not let me go long enough to sort shit out with my brother?
"Well I do so if you're going to do anything, go into your room." Luke grimaced. I nodded and sighed before taking Phil's hand and walking towards the stairs.
"Actually, even better, don't do anything at all." Calum spat, still glaring at Phil from the sofa. Tears pricked my eyes as I bit my lip. Calum looked down before looking back at the TV.
I walked up the stairs and into my room, Phil following behind.
"So what do you want to study first?" I asked.
"Um, I have something a little different in mind." He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist and starting to kiss my neck again.
"Phil, you came here to study, not to get laid." I mumbled, pushing him away.
"Well that's what I had to say, or you wouldn't have let me come over." He shrugged.
"Yeah, not shit." I scoffed.
"Exactly." He smirked, kissing my neck.
"Phil, stop." I scoffed.
"'Mate, back the fuck off, she told you to stop." Phil turned his head to reveal Calum stood at the doorway of my room with his fists clenched.
"Alright man, don't be such a pussy." Phil scoffed as he let me go.
"I'm going to grab a drink." He mumbled before squeezing past Calum and out of my room. Calum looked at me.
"Don't." He scoffed before darting out of sight.

Calum's P.O.V

Calum sat on his bed, scrolling through social media. He sighed, looking at his phone and half expecting it to buzz with a text from Y/N. It didn't happen. God, he missed her so much but he couldn't tell her that. No, she was the one who had told him to leave the night of the fight. No. He shook his head before going back to his laptop. His eyes widened as he saw Phil's latest post. A photo of him and Becky kissing, with the caption "Love my new girl." Calum's throat dried. He shook his head and quickly put the laptop onto his bed. He shot up and to the window in the hope he would see Y/N. He grimaced at the sight of her crying into her pillow, surrounded by tissues and empty ice cream cartons. He sighed, running his hands through his hair as he backed away from the window.
"She knew it was coming. She knew he was a fuck boy, she chose to trust him." He mumbled to himself.
"But she's my best friend and she's upset. She's crying and I'm not there to lend her my shoulder." He groaned.
"But she fucking knew this would happen. She brought it upon herself." He tried to convince himself but it wasn't working.
"Grow some balls, Cal." He spat. He looked back at her. Sadness filled his heart at the sight of his best friend crying into a pillow. God he wished he could be that pillow. He sighed and looked at the screen of his laptop. At Phil with Becky. Y/N's Phil.
"Fuck this." Calum scoffed before opening the window and climbing out.

Y/N's P.O.V

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I hugged my pillow. I sighed as I looked at my phone, at the breakup text my now ex boyfriend had sent me an hour ago. I was lost. I couldn't text Calum because we hadn't talked since our fight. And he was right. No, I couldn't go to him. Suddenly, I was pulled from my thoughts by my window being opened and Calum rolling in before shooting up.
"What are you doing here?" I grumbled
"I heard about you and Phil." He spoke as he rushed to my side and sat down on my bed.
"Come to gloat, have we?" I choked.
"Why the hell would I do that?" He scoffed.
"Because you were right. Phil was an ass hat and I didn't listen to you."
"Look, as much as I wish you would have listened to me, you're my best friend and you're upset, I'm here for you." He reassured. I smiled.
"Anyway, how did you hear?" I asked.
"Phil ended it with you so he could get with Becky, who told Simon and Jake, who told Cassie and Layla, who told Emily and Jessica-"
"Great. Now I'm not only single, but everyone knows it." I sniffed.
"Hey, it's okay, he was an ass, anyway." He sighed as he pulled me into his side.
"I know but I feel so stupid for saying yes to him because I knew this would happen." I choked. There was a pause.
"You don't deserve to be upset." Calum spoke before gently taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips against my skin, kissing away the tears.
"Best friends aren't meant to kiss each other, Calum." I giggled.
"I don't care, you're upset and I hate seeing you upset so I'm going to kiss away the tears. Anyway, I made you laugh." He smiled.
"You did." I agreed. He smiled again.
"Do you mind staying over tonight?" I asked.
"Sure. You need someone to cuddle right now." He spoke as he lay back on my bed.
"Your pillow awaits." He smiled, patting his chest. I laughed as I lay down and rested my head against his chest, placing my hand on his stomach as he pulled me closer.
"You were right." I sniffed.
"I wish I wasn't." He spoke.
"I really am sorry, Y/N." Calum sighed.
"I know, Cal, I know." I spoke as I felt my eyelids growing heavier.
"Go to sleep, you're okay, I got you." He whispered before placing a kiss on my head as my eyes fluttered shut.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I looked up to see Calum still asleep, his lips parted slightly. It took everything in me to not lean up and kiss him. I couldn't do that, of course I couldn't, it would ruin our friendship. I shook away my thoughts as I sat up.
"Mm." I turned around to see Calum's eyes fluttering open as he looked at me.
"Morning beautiful." He smiled. I returned it.
"You didn't have to stay over, you could have left when I fell asleep." I sighed as I felt his fingers start to dance over my back.
"I didn't want to leave you alone. Also, I think you're forgetting that you did kind of fall asleep on me." He chuckled.
"I'm sorry." I laughed.
"Don't be." He chuckled before just looking at me.
"What?" I asked. He paused as he just stared at me.
"Nothing." He shook his head after a moment.
"I've got to go, I've got band practice with Luke and the others." He sighed as he stood from the bed and headed towards my window. I followed him as he opened the window and was about to climb out before stopping and turning to me. He paused, as if debating whether or not to say what he was about to.
"You know...I'm always here for you. In more ways than you think." He spoke, looking into my eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed.
"It doesn't matter. I'll text you after band practice. See you." He smiled before climbing out of the window.

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