Think Twice (Josh Hutcherson)

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Chapter 2:"Soccer"

"Josh good luck" I kiss Josh's cheek and he blushes a little "I don't need luck" he grins and I laugh "Are you sure of that?" I ask and he nods. I like hik I really do but seeing Josh again has affected me in a way I am sure that I cannot explain. I sit down on the bleachers and I see they are now packed with people cheering both teams.

I see the cheerleaders and how Hannah keep sending kisses to Josh . God! I hate her Josh is my well he actually isn't my boyfriend but we've been dating and everyone knows it even she. I focus in Josh and how he is assuming his role as captain perfectly. Joshua told me he would see me here but I am still praying he doesn't come or that if he is here he can't find me.

"Hey" I hear I look and see Joshua grinning "Teachers can't be friends with student you know that" "Isabelle don't be silly" "I am not silly Joshua and now if you may leave me alone I am trying to see my boyfriend playing" I say without smiling. "Your boyfriend?" He asks "Yes" I lie "And he likes that girl" he says pointing Hannah.

"No he does not and by the way she is the type of girl that..." "That what?" He interrupts me "You know what Joshua and stop asking or I'll leave" I say "I hate when you call me Joshua" he says watching me with puppy eyes "Is your name isn't it? I ask him "Yes it is but you sound like my mother punshing me for something I didn't want to do".

"Are tou sure you didn't want to?" I ask "Of course I am sure Isabelle you know I'll never cheat on you" he says firmly. I know he is saying the truth because Sam told me but now I have something with Josh not him. "Joshua are you really sure" I say with an asking tone he nods.

"I can swear to you that she kissed me after I told her I had a girlfriend who was the love of my life" he says. A tear rolls down my cheek "I am an idiot Joshua I have to forgive you for everything" I say an he grins "Really?" I nod "Isabelle I love you and I will always will" he leans but I stop him.

"Sorry Josh but I can't do this remember you are my teacher" I say "That isn't a good excuse Isabelle" he adds "Well that is part of it you want the whole excuse?" I say and he nods "Well I fall for Josh and I feel something for him" his smile fades. "Joshua I think I have to go" "Wait!" He says. "Bella please stay" "Okay but remember this Joshua I can't have a relationship with the two of you" I say in a mocking tone. 

My tears all mixed with a nervous laughter. "Josh how in earth you found me?" Why I asked that I obviously know the answer. "It was Sam wasn't she?" He nods and I smile. "Bella well maybe we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend right now but at least we can be friends can't we?" I nod and I hug him. 

I don't want to be just friends but I like Josh and it is so wrong to like two boys at a time. I watch the game again and see that Josh scores a goal and he blows a kiss to my direction my cheeks burn and then the game continues "You know Isabelle I can play better than my copy" I hear Josh say. He is jealous I know it "Oh really?" I ask "Yes" he says.

"One day you can prove it big boy but not today because you are watching a gane with me" he grins I don't want him to grin but I love his smile. Isabelle stop thinking about Josh just think about the one who is playing and rescued you in the beach.

"Josh seriously you want tk stay as a teacher?" I ask him "Yes Bella" he answers.

"But it won't be a little bit weird that you and me had this thing and today you kissed me" I say "Don't be silly Bella we are friends now and those girls obviously think that kiss was just part of the scene" Really? I thought it meant more than that "But Josh it will be weird if you get to the same parties and you know we are just a few years apart" I say.

"Sure it will be" he says "But I have an idea" he says before I can sah another thing. "What is your idea?" I want to ssk but I am just afraid to say it. "Want to know what is it?" Josh asks like he read my mind just a few second ago. "I can be a student" "But Josh you finished highschool like three years ago and you are a teacher now".

"Yes I am but Bella I will be undercover no one will know who I am" "But how?" I ask "Bella I am an actor I know how to do it and Mrs. Black loves me" he says "The principal?" he nods "She told me she loved my movies and that was she hired me and I can convince her that I haave to go filming a movie or something like that".

"Josh you are a genious" I want to kiss his lips but then I stop and instead I hi five him. We awkwardly smile and the game ends "Well see you" "No Bella I won't go till he comes for you" What? Josh is crazy "Okay".

"Hi I am Joshua Ryan Hutcherson" he gives josh" a handshake "Hey" Josh says. "Josh this is Josh my friend" I say. "He is the guy of the Hunger Games" "Yes I play Peeta I am an actor Josh and I am also a very good friend of Bella so if you want to be her boyfriend you have to convince me you are a good guy" Josh smiles and Josh coughs. Josh is crazy why he says  is not like he is my brother or my father.

"Josh stop that!" I give him a serious look and look Josh he looks pertrifued I hold  his hand and I whisper "It's going to be fine". Josh smiles and says "You two are lovebirds" he laugh and I see the pain in his eyes looking me with Josh. 

"See you Bella and you big guy" he punches Josh on his left arm and walks away without saying no more. "He is kind of weird" Josh says "No he isn't he is just..." Just jealous I want to say but I say nothing. "Let's go Isabelle let me take you home" he holds my hand an we walk.

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