Think Twice (Josh Hutcherson)

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Chapter 11: "She kissed you"

Now that we're at NYC, Josh took me to all the places you can visit at NYC in a day because he starts filming today. I'm nervous and I'm not even doing the movie imagine how Josh is feeling.

"Hey there is Jessica!" Josh waves at a blonde girl that's walking to our direction, "Is she your co-star?" I ask and Josh nods.

He is now smiling like an idiot. Calm down Isabelle you are just over reacting, he is your boyfriend not hers.

"Hi!" she says smiling her perfection astonishes me really, "Isabelle, this is Jessica, Jessica Isabelle" Josh says and Jessica hugs me tightly almost suffocating me.

"So you are Josh's co-star?" I ask already knowing the answer and I flash a fake smile, "Yes darling I am" she says smiling with her pearly and perfect white teeth.

"And you are?" she asks, how dare she everyone knows I'm Josh's girlfriend Isabelle Longhorn. "I'm Josh's girlfriend" I say flashing a fake smile and giggling.

"Josh we've to see Michael for the scripts, you know?" she says flickering her eye lashes, "Oh..okay" Josh says and he can't stop looking at her.

"Babe I've to go" Josh says pecking my lips and running to catch up with Ms. Perfection, who clearly doesn't know that her dress is actually a t-shirt but her stylist didn't have the guts to tell her.

I try to distract myself so I call my sister, then my mom and dad but there is still a part of me that wants to know what that boyfriend robber is doing with him right now.

Maybe she has like a Vodoo Doll or something like that or she has a really powerful spell that helps her steal other girl's boyfriends.

After spending a couple of hours doing nothing just staring at the ceiling I decide to go outside and look for Josh.

"You know where is Josh?" I ask a crew member and he nods, "He is at a scene right now, there" he says pointing at the studio.

"Thanks" I tell him  as I walk towards the building he pointed at. I see yhat they are shooting so I decide to just be quiet and I see Josh is acting so well and Jessica is also doing well.

"You are Josh's girlfriend?" a tall young boy asks me, "Yes why you ask?" I ask him, "I'm Dylan" he says flashing a smile.

"Nice meeting you Dylan" I tell him, "So what you do here?" I ask him, "I'm studying to be a director so my father had his contacts and I'm here" he says smiling.

"Oh that sounds good" I tell him, he actually looks like a nice person to hang with. He is tall, blue eyed and he has curly black hair.

"I'll  be here for a long time, can we be friends?" I ask him and he nods, "You are really cool in person" he says smiling from ear to ear.

"Do you want to get a little closer?" he says and I nod. We walk silently and we are right infront of them, and then ouf of Josh leans to kiss her.

They kissed, right infront of me. My heart broke into a billion of pieces. Josh is my boyfriend, he is mine and I'm his girlfriend.

I know I should've never come, it was clearly the stupidest idea. Who wants to see how another girl kisses her boyfriend?

The other question is, How does your boyfriend doesn't notice that his co-star wants to be more than his friend? And she is flirting all the time with him.

I walk out of the shoot and just start relaxing and I stop thinking about Josh and Jessica. I'm sure Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and even Facebook is packed with, we ship JoJe not Jella.

My heartbeat raises and I walk towards Josh's trailer and I close the door right behind me.

I look at my reflection and I look angry more angry that a thousand zumos who are waiting for dinner to be ready.

I hear a knock on my door and I see Dylan my new official friend, "Hey!" he says smiling, "I brought you this!" he says pointing at a basket packed with delicious desserts.

"Thanks Dylan" I tell him, "That's what friends and crew members are for" he says half smiling, "Thanks" I tell him.


"I'll see you round, okay?" I tell him before closing the door after he goes away. He seems a nice guy, he isn't like Josh, he isn't a cheater.

Well Josh actually isn't a cheater he is a good boyfriend but thsi girl wants to get in his pants or I don't know she is just so... ugh.... I hate her.

Can somebody tell her to get her on boyfriend? Does she know that Josh is already taken? That he isn't single? That he isn't for sale?  That he has a girlfriend that loves him?

I hear another knock on the and I quickly open and I jope to see Dylan again but guess who is this time? A smiling Josh. "We ended the shoot perfectly" he says a smile draws on his lips.

"Why are you angry?" Josh asks me looking concerned and he tries to hold my hand but I let go reminding how he kissed Jessica, it was a tongue kiss and everything.

"She kissed you" I blurt out, "We were acting" Josh says smiling, "Sorry Josh I just get a little jealous that's it" I tell him but I'm still pissed off.

I try to look calm but I'm internally dying, he kissed her the most beautiful girl I've ever seen ans she famous, rich and obviously an actress.

"Isabelle?" Josh says looking worried, "You okay?" he asks me, "Yeah fine:

" I tell him with my arms crossed. I start feeling dizzy and I feel like I'll pass out. I start walking towards Josh's direction but then all goes black.

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