Think Twice (Josh Hutcherson)

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Chaoter 3:"New Guy"

"Damn! He is hot" I hear a girl saying when I get to the restroom "The New Guy he is not hot he is a sexy beast" the girl next to her says. "About whom are you talking about?" I ask "Oh! Sean Jenkins just the New Guy" "A New Guy?" I ask "Yes you uhm...whatever is your name"

"Isabelle I am the new well I was the New Girl" they nod and I decide to leave.

I know who is the New Guy and he isn't Sean Jenkins he is Joshua Ryan Hutcherson my dream boy and Sean is just his master plan. "Hey Isabelle" "Hi Josh" I look at him and then I get back to reality "What are you thinking of?" "Nothing just the..." "What?" he asks again Josh my ex boyfriend that made me fell for him so easily but I break up with him because I was so stupid.

"I am throwing a party tonight" Josh says and I smile "That is great" I say I really don't want to go but I have to because he is a few steps to be my boyfriend and I am supposed to love him but I do. Now I am caught up between two boys. "Have you met the New Guy?" he asks and I stop thinking for a minute "No".

"Me neither" I fake a smile and I decided just to walk away. "See you at night Isabelle" "See you" I say and I walk to my English class. I look at the door and then I open it "Hey darling" I look at the source of the noise and Joshua Ryan Hutcherson is there. "Hey New Guy" I say and he chuckles. He dyed his hair black and he defintely has green contacts. "Same schedule huh?"

"Yeah" I laugh "You started copying Jo..sorry...Sean" "Oh you know my new name" "Yes bad boy" I like to flirt with Josh but he isn't my boyfriend and well Josh actually is "Well Ms. Know-It-All..." "What Mr. Jenkins?" "You look pretty..huh" he laughs and I punch his arm. "Sean stop it!" "I won't until you stop it" "Me?" I ask in a confused tone.

"Yeah you" he bites his lip and I love it when he does it. God! I am still madly in love with him. This ain't good. "Well Sean are you going to the party?" I ask and he chuckles "Sure babe" He is acting like a bad boy and I kind of like it. "Well I think I'll see you there" I wink and I hear all the footsteps and laughter of my classmates.

"Sit next to me" he says and I sit next to him Why I am obeying his orders? ". I see Ms. Clyde getting in and how all my classmates automatically shut up and their faces look like they just seen the antichrist or something worse than that. "Hey Karen" What he just called Ms. Clyde...Karen? "Oh! you are Mr. Perkins? I am sure you haven't had the chance to read the rules". All the class laughs and Ms. Clyde blushes tomato red.

"Well Mr. Perkin this isn't the way to start in a new highschool is it?" "No Karen it isn't sorry" I swear he is making it on purpose and I don't know why he is doing it? Ms. Clyde starts speaking "Well children let's begin" we all nod and open our english books. The hour passes flying and I see I have drama and guess who is coming?

"Hey beautiful" "What?" I ask "Are you mad?" "No I am not" "Yes you are" "No I am not and please stop being so inmature Sean" I say in a motherish tone. "Yes you are inmature" "No I am not" "Yes you are and well we should het going" "Why you hurry?" "Because I have a teacher you know that maybe he isn't like you" "Like me?" "Yes like you" he chuckles and I blush a little.

"Bella I like when you blush" "Really?" Stop it Bella? You are acting like an idiot and he obviously likes you. "Curioser and Curioser?" "Now what I am not Alice" "Maybe you are for me" Alice? I am not and I will never be Alice "I am Isabelle by the way and I hope never to be Alice" "Why you say that?" "Because she is trapped in a world and I don't want to be trapped in one".

"Shall we get in?" "Yes my precious" "Sean I am not a ring" we both laugh and when we get in a middle aged woman who looks like a cartoon says, "Why so late?" "It isn't late we are actually on time" Josh says. I look at my watch abd see we are on time but she keeps staring at us and the entire class does the same.

"Well sorry Ms..." Josh says "Woods" she completes her sentence "Okay Ms. Woods" She looks so weird, hee nose is flat like a sheet of paper, she has dumbo big ears and she is super tall and skinny she looks almost dead. I let out a little laugh "Why are you laughing Ms." "Longhorn" "Sorry Ms. Woods it was just because" "Because I made her laugh".

"Well Mr." "Perkins" Josh says "Mr. Perkins and Ms. Longhorn detention today at three" "Perfect" I whisper. "What did you say Ms. Longhorn?" "Nothing Ms. Woods" "Well see you next class" I laugh mentally and I get out. "Well Josh see you" "Where are you going?" "To a place I like" "A place you like?" I nod and he smiles.

"I'll come with you" "Mmm I don't think so" "Please Isabelle let me" "Follow me" he nods. I walk silently to find my door My secret place that I discovered by accident on my first day "Here Sean" I see the door upstairs and I get through it. "This is amazing" "Yeah I know" I say and look into the sky beautiful as always.

"Come here" I sit and he sits next to me "I love the sky don't you?" "Yeah I love it" he says. He wraps his arn around me and I look at him and he looks at my lips and then my eyes. "I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now..." "Peeta?" "I got inspired" he says and I laugh "Josh I.." No! Bella you can't say it you know you love him.

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