Think Twice (Josh Hutcherson)

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Chapter 6: "Paparazzi"

Today is the second time I get with Josh to an important event. Now we are being follow by a huge mass of paoarazzis because they want to know every single detail about my relationship with Josh. But foe now they just know my name thanks god.

"Run as fast as you can" "Josh you know it is hard using high heels and wearing a designer dress" I exclaim. I take of my heels and keep running like a gazelle or well that is what I think, "C'mon Bella over here" "Okay Josh" I follow him and we hide behind some bushes and I hear the shouts and flashes of the paparazzis.

When I hear all their footsteps gone and no more flash sounds I ask Josh, "Is this always like that?" he nods "Thanks god I am not a star" "You are one" he says "No that isn't true Josh I am not a singer, musician or actor" "But you are a star always shining in my heart" "You are so chessy" I say "We are cheesy" he corrects me.

"Josh I am tired and hungry" "Let me take you to my place" "Your place really?" I ask "Yeah Bella" "Oh...but I.." "Nothing Bella you are my girlfriend and I have the obligation to give you food and shelter" "But tomorrow is sunday and my aunt..." "Nothing babe just keep calm and stay at my place""Well at least let me send her a text" he nods and I smile.

"Here you go" he opens the door for me an sI enter he closes it and runs to the other side of the car. He opens the door and I smile at him "You had fun?" he asks "Yes Josh but I am tired" "Oh my poor little baby" he says in a fatherish tone. "You just sounded exactly like my father when I was four years old" he smiles.

"Bella I had an amazing night" he says. As he starts driving my eyes close because I am tired now. I feel Josh parkung the car but my eye lids can't open, "Sleep baby, sleep" Josh says almost whispering. I feel how he lifts me up and he holds me tight with his arms. "You look beautiful sleeping" he says.

I feel him walking upstairs, He suddenly stops walking and I feel how he lets me down. I hear his footsteps go but before he closes the door I say, "Josh". I open my eyes and I see how he walks towards me "What's wrong beautiful?" "Nothing I just wanted you to stay with me" he smiles "I must confess I am like a little baby and I always have bad dreams"he cups my face in his hands and kisses me softly.

"Can you borrow me something to sleep on this dress is killing me?" Literally it is making me breathe slowly and I need to rest in something cozy and comfy. "Let me bring you something" I smile and he walks out of the room.

After a couple of minutes he is back with a t-shirt and what seems like a short on his hand but he is wearing only boxers. "Omg!" I exclaim. I cover my eyes "Bella you are my girlfriend and come on yoy have seen guys in boxers" "Sorry Josh I am such a baby" I say and he chuckles.

"I'll change but promise don't look" "Okay"he says. He covers his eyes and I quickly get out of the dress, put Josh's shirt on and his shorts that look humongus on me really "You can open your eyes now" "Bella do you do magic?" Josh asks me "No Josh why you ask that?" I ask him.

"Well because you look beautiful even wearing my clothes" My cheeks blush and I feel like I am literally glowing red. I get into the bed and Josh is still looking at me "Okay now time to sleep" I close my eyes and right after I close them I feel Josh's aem around my waist I feel like I am teddy bear and Josh is the kid holding me but I like it "Sweet dreams Isabelle" I smile and I know he is smiling too.

This is one of the best nights I've ever had in my entire life. I like being around Josh, I love him and I think he loves me to. We are the perfect two really we always get through the bad and good stuff together.

Our story is so complicated but we ended up together and I hope to be with him for a long time. I hope he feels the same thing I feel about him and the most imoortant thing of all how people at school will react when they know Josh is my boyfriend? And will he still pretend to be Sean and the other Josh what the hell is going to his mind right now.

Bella right now is time to sleep but to think about your problems plus you are with Josh so count sheeps or Joshes or whatever you want and get back to sleep. Because sleeping is good for you. I say this to myself and then everything fells silent.

Think Twice (Josh Hutcherson)Where stories live. Discover now