Chapter 11 (Lemon)

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A/N: before I go right into the events of Volume 3 I decided to make up my own events that happened after volume 2 but before 3 begins. Enjoy.

You opened your eyes slowly to adjust to the light and after a bit you finally opened them. You sat up and yawned. You looked around and remembered that you were in team RWBY's dorm. You knew this well since they were still laying with you right now.

(Y/N): 😊

You carefully got up to try not to wake them but you felt ruby's grip on you. You turned to her as she smiled at you.

Ruby:"Whispering" going somewhere?

(Y/N): just going out for a walked a bit.

Ruby: ok just be sure to come back alright.

(Y/N): alright.

You got up and walked out while closing the door quietly. You started to walked down the hall but that's when you got a call from your mother on your scouter. You answered it.

(Y/N): hello?

Ice: hello (Y/N). It's mother again.

(Y/N): oh hey mom.

Ice: me and your father are just calling to see how your doing.

Glacier: how have you been doing so far? We hired about what happened at Vale.

(Y/N): wait how did you know about that?

Ice: Internet.

(Y/N)'s mind: god damn it.

Glacier: are you alright?

Ice: you weren't inured were you?

(Y/N): no mom I'm fine really.

Ice: you sure?

(Y/N): yeah. After all you guys were the ones who taught me to fight.

Ice and Glacier:😁

(Y/N): 😊

Ice: well as long as your okay. That's good for us.


Glacier: well we'll catch you around son.

Ice: bye baby.

(Y/N): bye.

You both hung up and you continued to walked through the school. Eventually you decided to walked outside for a bit. Once you were out there you noticed that there wasn't that many people around.

(Y/N): damn, everyone must still be asleep.

Cinder: almost everyone.

(Some parts of the chapters are mostly going to have already used music until we get to the volume 3 parts).

You saw one of the students from Haven standing right next to you.

(Y/N)'s mind: good god is she a ninja or something?

Cinder: why are out here all by yourself?

(Y/N): well it's not like the grimm will be here or anything.

Cinder's mind: if only you knew.

Cinder: I know but won't one of the teachers see you out here?

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