Chapter 28 (Final)

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A/N: the final chapter.

You standing there breathing heavily after your long going battle against Salem which has now finally come to an end.

(Y/N):"breathing heavily" thank fucking god it's over.

Jaune stood there seeing Pyrrha just as he last saw her.

Pyrrha: Jaune? Is that you?

Jaune was too surprised to see Pyrrha alive And normal now to say anything.

Pyrrha: Jaune? Jaune?! Jaune answer.....

Jaune kisses her.

Pyrrha: 0///0

Pyrrha eventually started to kiss Jaune back.

Jaune: I'm just so glade your alive.

Pyrrha: i don't know what happened to me after I was hit I  the chest by that arrow. Everything just turned black and that was all I could remember.

Jaune: as long as your alive that's all that matters.

Pyrrha: 😊

You went over to the others nearly exhausted from the battle with Salem. But now that it's over you can relax or at least were about to until glynda, sheele and team rwby tackled you into a hug.

(Y/N): hehe......hey girls.....ow.

Ruby: that was so awesome. ✨_✨

(Y/N): thanks.

Yang: What did he do We didn't get to see it?

They then notice that he's still in his golden form.

Yang: what's with the new look here?

You then realize that you were still in your golden form.

(Y/N): oh this? It's just a little something I got from several mouth of training.

Weiss: your skin is so golden and shiny.

(Y/N): why thank you.

You then saw Pyrrha now back to normal.

(Y/N): wait......Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): your you again.

Pyrrha: of course I am. But you look so......golden.

(Y/N): yep. Training can really do a lot for you.

That's when the dark looking world started to fade away.

Austin: uh whis.

Whis tapped his staff and all of them were teleported out of the world and back the real world.

(Y/N): wait. What just happened?! 0_0

Austin: seems that now Salem is dead all parts of her magic are now gone.

Sheele: damn.

Sheele then sees cinder who managed to get out of the world before it disappeared and is trying to leave haven.

Sheele: hey you guys hold on a bit I haft to do something.

(Y/N): um....ok?

Sheele flew to cinder and Put her Hand on her shoulder.

Sheele: cinder.........


Sheele: cinder I know it's hard for you to accept the fact that Salem was just using you but I'm sorry it's true. I know she was almost like a mother to you but if I haven't told you she might have killed you.

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