Chapter 26

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A/N: Salem's making her big push. (Also I'm finally back).

You and the others were almost there, Almost finally there to haven after all that walking there and it was like it was going to go on forever but you finally made it there.

(Y/N): ah man. After all that walking we finally made it. You can get off my back now Ruby.

Ruby: can't I just stay on a bit longer?

(Y/N):"sigh" fine but once we get there your getting off.

Ruby: ok.

You continued to walk to haven almost there until an explosion was then hired. It came from Haven.

(Y/N) & Everyone: 0_0

Ruby: uh....did you guys hear that?

(Y/N): yep. 0_0

Ruby got off your back and ran to haven. As did everyone else. You all continued to run to haven to see what was going on and once you were finally there you saw that the grimm and white fang were attacking the city but it was mostly the grimm.

(Y/N): are you kidding me?!

Ruby: how could this have happen so fast?

Qrow: so then......she's finally doing it.

(Y/N): Salem.

Qrow: she must've found the relics.

(Y/N): well shit!

You all ran in the city to stop the invading grimm and white fang.

Austin: I had thought the white fang would've learned their lesson after the death of Adam back on menagerie. I guess not.

Blake: someone else must be leading them now.

(Y/N): well then they picked a bad Time to do it then.

You said as you saw the grimm even attacking some of the white fang as well.


(Y/N): Salem's eliminating lose ends as well.

Weiss: what?

(Y/N): not only is she going to kill everyone here but everyone who's worked for her.

Yang: that's insane!

(Y/N): no kidding.

Once in the middle of haven you and the others saw Velvet and her team as well as the other students from beacon fighting the grimm as well was Ironwood and glynda who didn't take long to notice you.

Glynda: (Y/N)?

You spotted her as she ran to you and got you in a hug.

Glynda: I'm so glade your alive.

(Y/N): likewise. Now what happened? Where are all these grimm coming from?

Glynda: all we know was that things were normal until a dark portal appeared and out came the grimm. And so of which are some we've never seen before.

(Y/N): Where's the portal?

Glynda: it's near the middle of the city but the Grimm are in the way.

You looked around and saw the portal and it was being blocked by devastaters and Deathclaws (grimm spinosaurus) and a few Ursa.

(Y/N): they're blocking the way.

Qrow: then let's take care of that then.

Ironwood: I agree with Qrow.

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