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(one year after the disappearance)

"they will never find us, because they fear us. it's what humans do. they think about the worse and they fear it. they don't do anything to stop it because stopping it means having to face it. plus, we haven't done anything, have we? they think we're missing but we're okay, aren't we? we always will be okay. our day will come. it may be tomorrow or next year. it may within a decade's time when we hit the jackpot... but the police, they won't find us because they secretly fear us."

the white fur is gently stroked, the pale hand youthful and soft.

"at first they were thinking that we were two poor boys who had been kidnapped. stolen away. missing. now they know that isn't the case. they would rather leave us be. it's like disturbing a wasp's nest; they don't want to cause any more shit than they already need. they don't want to trouble their poor, tired, rotting minds. do you think they will ever find us?"

silence follows in the thick air.

"i don't either," the same voice continues. "i think we'll find them first."

silence follows again as his twin smooths out the pair of trousers folded over the tainted sheets.

"it's been a year. don't you feel like you have achieved something great? something with potential?"

silence again. the stars twinkle above them as they sit within their room located inside the fun house.

"no," christopher pipes up with irritation, his jaw tightening. "no, i don't feel achieved. not until i become a new person. not until," his hand brushes over the soft fur. "not until i become one of them. i don't want to be christopher anymore," he pleads with the stuffy room. "i don't want to be me."

louis smiles back at his brother. "go on then," he slowly stands to his feet. "put it on. go on," a twisted, pleasured smile begins to stretch across his face. "but on the mask, christopher."

"will alice want us to do this?"

"of course she will," louis softly speaks. "of course."

the dim, stuffy room becomes netted and darker. every crook of the room darkens with mystery and evil. they struggle to see through the mesh that conceals their identity, but they feel at home. their bodies fill the shell, their minds running wild within the confined area.

"we're at home. it took us a year but we have finally stumbled upon home." louis says, his palms flat against the side of his mask.

(one week before the night)

"i'm just tired," luke slumps against the classroom desk. "fuck this. fuck having an education. fuck-"

"i love how you're saying this whilst achieving A's and B's you lucky shit. you could be worse. you could be like me."

luke turns to sophia, a tired smile on his face. "but it's not what you produce, it's about what's up in here that really matters." he gently taps the side of sophia's head, the commotion around them not seeming to settle anytime soon. "you have a wonderful mind with all sorts of flowers and dreams growing within. i might get one A every term on a maths paper but at least you enjoy your life. you're smart within."

"oh god," sophia leans forward. "don't say shit like that to me. in reality i'm a dumb fuck, luke."

"you're not! you're only dumb when you drink too much and take those dodgy pills. one day they will fuck you up and i really worry about you."

luke begins to etch lines into the desk with his pen, his eyes lifeless and blank.

"what's wrong?" sophia leans into him, peering down at the etched lines. "you can tell me, you know."

"i know i can," he shrugs. "i'm just tired. can we go to yours tonight? i need cheering up."

"sure. sleep tonight if you need to. i- i mean, only if you'd like to."

she cannot hide the smile on her face; she cheers luke up. she has that ability.

"is your mum not in?" he can't hide the flicker of excitement on his face.

"not until tomorrow afternoon."

"you know what that means?" he grins. "we can laugh as loud as we want."

sophia giggles, her eyes wandering his face, joining the dots. "sure. are you coming then?"

"sure. i'll take the floor though-"

"no, i'll take the floor." sophia interrupts, rolling her eyes.

he has seemed to pipe up, his eyes gaining their flecks of blue again. they remind her of the ocean; unpredictable and full of imagination.

"how about i take the bed and you also take the bed since we are both responsible teenagers who-"

sophia begins laughing. "alright then, aslong as you stay away from me. i hate sleeping close to people."

but she didn't. she really didn't dislike sleeping close to people.

after enduring tears gathering at the sides of their eyes and laughing until their sides hurt, they eventually slip into bed, soft, dazed music playing.

sophia wriggles to the far end of the bed and turns over, reaching up and switching the light off.

"this feels so odd," she giggles, her laughter muffled by her sheets pulled up to her nose. "i don't mind though."

"i don't too."

minutes pass, cigarette smoke and dreams filling her lungs and her mind. she shouldn't be laying down at this moment in time; she should be running. running and running beneath the sky.

she feels luke's fingertip against the back of her thigh.

it curves along the back of her leg, the distance between them cold. he does it again, sophia's hand instinctively reaching over and clasping his fingers in her hand. there's silence between them both, the faint soft music still playing.

she gives his hand a squeeze and they meet in the middle, sophia wriggling slightly into the middle and luke following.

he wraps his arms around her, her body fitting with his. she realises that sleeping near somebody isn't all that bad.

she finds her fingers stroking the hair at the nape of his neck, his nose buried in the crook of her neck. all friends do this, sophia thinks. luke's deep breaths fall louder in her ear and they kiss at her neck. she could lay like this forever, tasting excitement on her tongue. there's nothing wrong with a friendly snuggle.

merry christmas!!! or merry whatever you're celebrating this year :) hope you enjoy the break and love all the food and family and friends. (i don't prioritise food, i swear.)

be grateful for tomorrow and all the love being shared. i can't wait for such a special day !!!

also, i didn't proof read any of this (i low key have to proof read like twice because i miss things the first time) so sorry if words are in wrong places.

i have work to do until the new year but i've already written more chapters so i will post soon :)

thank u to anyone who reads, u are special 💜

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